Get More Reviews lets you send surveys and collect feedback from the people who matter most: your customers. 

To start using this tool, log in to your account and select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile.

Enter your business name and select “Get Started”.
Select the Settings tab to customize your survey.
Select “Text” to customize the messaging on your text survey.
Select “Click to Edit” to make changes. Select “Save” to save your changes.
Select the tag icon to insert dynamic tags, like your customer’s name.
To edit your email survey, select “Email”.
From here, you can click to edit text and insert links and tags.
Use the icons to the left to add buttons, logos, or custom HTML.
Select “Save” in the upper right-hand corner when you’re done customizing your email survey.
Now you can select which social networks you want to collect reviews on.
Recommended: Toggle the Auto Share New Reviews button to “Yes” to automatically share positive reviews to your social media accounts.
Select which star rating you want to automatically share.
Then select which platforms you want to publish these reviews to.
Now you can send surveys to your customers.
First, add recipients. You can add a single recipient or import a customer group.
You can send the survey immediately or choose to send it in the future.


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is Googles cloud based computing platform that allows our platform to integrate with googles features such as Maps, language translator, or Analytics.
Please follow these steps to create a GCP account for your business to use on our platform: 
Step 1: Create a Google Cloud account
The first step is to create a Google Cloud Console (click here for Googles KB article) account. This section describes how to create a Google Cloud account. If you already have Cloud Identity or G Suite configured for your organization, you can skip to the next step (Step 2: Create a Google Cloud project).

If you choose to set up Cloud Identity, domain verification is required.

To create a Google Cloud account:

  1. Open Google Cloud Console in a browser.

  2. When prompted to sign in, create a new account by clicking Create account:

    Google sign in, Create account highlighted.

  3. Follow the instructions to register your corporate email address as a Google account. Alternatively, you can use a Gmail account or other Google account.

  4. Continue to the Google Cloud Console (click here), and accept the Google Cloud terms presented.

Step 2: Create a Google Cloud project

  1. Open the Google Cloud Console and log in with the account you created in Step 1: Create a Google Cloud account.
  2. Click the project selector Select a project:

    Google Cloud select a project option highlighted.

    The project selector dialog box displays:

    Google Cloud project selector with new project option highlighted.
  3. Click New Project.

    The New Project view displays.

  4. Enter a friendly name for your project in the Project name field. The project name can contain only letters, numbers, single quotes, hyphens, spaces, or exclamation points.

    Google Cloud generates a corresponding project ID below the Project name field, as the following example shows.

    Google Cloud new project with Project ID name highlighted.

    You can change the generated Project ID by clicking Edit, but the project ID must be unique. The project ID can have lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens, and must start with a lowercase letter.

    Take note of the Project ID. You will use it later in this setup process.

Note: After you create the project, you cannot change the project ID.
Set up Billing for your GCP account:
  1. In the Billing account field, select the Google Cloud billing account to use to pay for your project. If you do not yet have a Google Cloud billing account, see the following:
  2. In the Location field, select a folder for your project. Folders are an optional part of the Google Cloud project resource tree.
  3. Click Create.

Google Cloud creates your new project.
Step 3: Manage users in the GCP UI
You can add users in the Google Cloud Console. When you do this, the user is granted the same access to all environments in the organization. However, you can refine each user’s access by using the UI.
The UI lets you assign roles to users per environment: you use it to refine each user from having the same role in all environments to assigning a specific role or roles for that user for each environment.

This section describes how to add, change, and remove users with the UI.

Add user accounts in the UI
When you first configure and create the Google Cloud project to which the organization is bound, you typically add a couple of users with different roles like API Admin and Environment Admin. Because these users were defined at the Cloud Project project level, they can access all environments with that level of access.

By using the UI, though, you can set roles of existing users at the environment level.


Note: Before you can add a new user (and specify environment-specific access for that new user) in the UI, you must add that user as a member of the Google Cloud project, as described in Managing access in Google Cloud.
Roles you assign in the Google Cloud project apply to all environments. Roles you assign in the UI apply only to the selected environment.
The roles drop-down list displays only predefined roles.

To specify user permissions for an environment:

    1. Ensure that you have already added the user to your Google Cloud project. For information on adding users to a Google Cloud project, see Google’s KB Article on Granting, changing, and revoking access to resources.
    2. Open the GCP UI in a browser.
    3. Select Admin > Environments > Access in the left navigation menu.
    4. Select the environment name from the drop-down list.

      The UI displays a list of current user accounts and roles for the selected environment:

    5. Click +Grant Access.

      The Grant Access to Environment dialog box displays:

    6. Enter the user account’s email address in the first field. This email address is typically one of the following:
    7. Select a role from the Role drop-down list and click Add. You can add more than one role for each user. For details on available roles, see Google’s KB on roles and IAM permissions reference.
    8. Repeat this process for each environment for which you want to specify the user’s role.

You can remove a user account from an environment using the UI, but that user account will still have the access that it was granted in the Google Cloud Console unless you also remove the user from the Console by default.

Remove user accounts
Removing a user at the environment level does not remove the user at the Google Cloud project level. As a result, the user can still access all environments with their Google Cloud project level permissions.

To revoke the user’s access entirely, you must remove them from the Google Cloud project as described in Revoking Access to Google Cloud Platform.

To remove a user from an environment:

  1. Open the GCP UI in a browser.
  2. Select Admin > Environments > Access in the left navigation menu.
  3. Select the environment name from the drop-down list.

    The UI displays a list of current users for the selected environment.

  4. In the user’s row, click delete.

    The UI displays a confirmation dialog box:

  5. Click Revoke.

    The UI removes that user from the environment.

Our Growth Snapshot shows you how you’re growing online.
Reports are generated based on the notification settings you select in the Notifications Center.
The snapshot includes the following sections:
  1. Overview: Shows a summary of the other sections, including number of reviews, social posts, leads, and web sessions.
  2. Reviews: Shows the number of reviews collected, connected networks, and recent reviews.
  3. Social: Shows total social posts and engagement (likes, shares, comments, and interactions).
  4. Leads: Shows organic web traffic, paid traffic, and traffic from email marketing campaigns.
  5. Website: Shows unique visits, sessions, bounce rate, and average session time.
  6. Reputation: This section shows your reputation score and tracked competitors.
Growth Snapshot Overview:
      • Online Reputation: The percentage of increase in reviews
      • Social Engagement: The engagement growth from the previous week/month.
      • Web Traffic: The percentage of new traffic to your website.
      • Reviews: Number of reviews received for that period week/month.
      • Social Posts: Number of post published to social media accounts. 
      • Leads: Leads submitted through the contact form.
      • Web Sessions: Number of new web sessions.
Reviews Snapshot:
  • Reviews Score: Average score based on reviews you have received.
  • Connected Networks Reviews: Average score based on feedback received through social media.
  • Recent Reviews: Displays your two most recent reviews.
  • Unique Visits
  • Sessions
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Time

Social Snapshot:
  • Total Posts: Displays the number of posts you’ve published in the past week or month.
  • Total Posts by Social Media Account: Breaks down the number of posts published by social media account.
  • Engagement: Will display the below metrics from social media:
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Interactions

  • Organic Web: Leads generated directly through the contact form on your website.
  • Paid Ads: Leads generated from PPC or SEM.
  • Email Marketing: Leads generated through email marketing.

  • Unique Visits
  • Sessions
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Time

Reputation Manager
  • Reputation Manager: Shows your reputation score and its growth.
  • Competition Tracker: Shows your tracked competitors.



Our Local SEO tool helps increase your visibility in local search results. Create 40+ directory listings with a few clicks, and sync updates to all directories in seconds.
To access this tool, log in to your dashboard and select the “Local SEO Listings” tile.
Select “Get Started”.
Before you create your listings, you’ll need to complete your Business Profile. Select “Update Business Profile”.
Complete all the fields on the Basic Info, About Your Business, and Media tabs.
We’ll need to collect general business info, business descriptions, keywords, your logo, and more. The more info you add, the better! We want your listings to be as informative as possible. When you’re done, select “Save”.
Now you’re ready to create your listings. Select “Create Listings Now”.
You’ll see a complete list of all the directories you’re listed on. 
Double check the Pending Actions section. Some platforms may require you to log in to verify your account. Just select “Connect” to complete this step.
If you ever want to make an update to your listings, just update your Business Profile and select “Save”. Any updates you make there will sync across all listings.

With Social 365, you can plan up to a year of social media posts with just a few clicks.
To access this tool, log in to your dashboard and select the “Social Calendar” tile
Select “Get Started”. With this tool, you can either schedule posts manually yourself, or our A.I. can automatically schedule posts for you.
Select “Yes” for auto scheduling.
Start by selecting the post categories your followers want to see from you.
Next, choose your desired posting frequency.
Select whether or not you’d like to post on the weekends. 
Adjust your posts per day to create your desired posting schedule. 
Click on the social icons to connect your social accounts.
The last step is to select Schedule.

Social 365 will then schedule your social media posts for an entire year using our library of ready-to-post content.
This is your calendar view.
To switch to a timeline view, select the timeline icon.
Click on a post to make changes to it. From here you can preview your post, shuffle to a new post, delete it, edit your caption, change the image, select the social accounts you want to post to, or select a different posting time. When you’re done making changes, click “Schedule.”

To add a new post, select the plus icon.
To make your own, select “Create New Post.”
To create your own category and fill it with your own custom posts, select “Create New Category.”
To search our library of social media content, select a category. When you choose your post, just drag and drop it onto the day you want to publish it.
If you ever want to make changes to your selected post categories and posting frequency, click the gear icon and go to “Categories and Frequency.”
To start or stop posting on a particular day, use this toggle button. 
Select your categories here, adjust your posting time, add a second posting slot, and manage what platforms you’re posting to. 
And here’s where you can easily turn auto-scheduling on or off.

It’s important to know what people are saying about your business, and with Reputation Manager, you can easily track your online image from one place.
To access this tool, log in to your dashboard and select the “Reputation Manager” tile.
To start using this tool, click “Get Started.”
Click to connect your social accounts, and select “Done”.
Reputation Manager will display people’s comments about you from the top social and review platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, and more. Filter your feed by post type, emotion, time frame, or platform.
Each comment has an emoticon next to it that rates the post as unhappy, neutral, or happy. Click to change the emoticon if you notice any discrepancies.
Just click “Respond” to write a message back.
To share a positive review, click “Share” and then select the platform you’d like to share it to.
This tool collects all your ratings and gives you an overall score with the Happiness Meter, which tells you how well you’re doing online with a single look.
To add or remove a social account, just click the gear icon to manage your connected platforms.
Competition Tracker shows you what people are saying about your competitors online, helping you keep up with what’s going on in your industry.
To access this tool, log in to your dashboard and select the “Competition Tracker” tile.
Select “Get Started.”
We’ll request to know your location so we can suggest competitors in your area.
Click “Allow” from the browser pop-up (this allows your browser to use a geo location tool to verify your location).
Start by searching for a business name or industry.
Here you can select up to five businesses you’d like to see updates for. Search for your competitors and turn the tracking button on to start receiving updates.
Below is a list of recommended businesses to track based on your location.
When you’re done, click “Save.”
Competition Tracker will now display people’s comments from the top social and review platforms, like Twitter, Yelp, Foursquare, and more, and give each post a happiness ranking. Filter comments by competitor, emotion, post type, time frame, or platform. 
See your overall happiness ranking and how you’re stacking up compared to your competition to the right, and view how many conversations are happening where. 
If at any point you want to change your competitors, just click the gear icon.
Our Google Ads Manager guides you through launching a Google Ads campaign in just 5 easy steps.
Access our Google Ads Manager by logging in to your account and selecting the Ads Management tile.
Once you’ve signed up for our platform, connecting your social accounts is your first to-do.
1. Log in to your dashboard and select the “Connect Social Accounts” tile.
2. This screen allows you to connect your social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Click “Connect”. Select an icon at the top of your screen to connect that platform. 
If you don’t have one of these social media accounts, select “Create Account” to get started on that platform.
We recommend connecting every platform. The more visible you are online, the better your results.
3. Once you have connected all of your social media accounts, you will be taken back to your home screen where you can begin using your tools.
Conversations, our centralized messaging platform, funnels all your online conversations to one place. We give you a unified inbox where you can manage conversations happening on Facebook, Google, email, text, and your website. You can also manage conversations whenever and wherever with our mobile app. 
You can connect the following channels in Conversations:
Facebook and Google only allow you to respond to messages sent to you. You can’t initiate a conversation via those channels.
Log in to your dashboard and select “Conversations”.
The Inbox screen is where you can begin engaging with customers using Google Messages, Facebook Messages, Email, SMS (with MMS capability), and from customer web form submissions.
  Google Messaging: You can respond to any message submitted from the messaging feature on a search result.
 Facebook Messaging: You can respond to customers messaging your Facebook business page.
 Email: You can send and receive emails.
SMS Text: You can send and receive text messages to an SMS\MMS enabled phone number.
 Website Form Submissions: You can read and respond to customers using the contact form on your website.
Conversations works on our mobile app exactly as it does on the desktop version.
One added feature is that you will get push notifications that appear on your phone letting you know when you have received a new message.
Log in to the app and scroll down to the Conversations tile.
Here you can check any unread messages or go back and search through old messages.
Select a customer to continue your conversation or select the (+) symbol to start a new conversation.
To change your notification settings, hover over your profile (in the upper right hand corner of your dashboard) and select “Notifications Center”.

Conversations has two notifications:

  • New Conversations: Notifies you about any new incoming conversation.  

  • Performance Report: Provides you with data on the frequency of conversations in a given time period (weekly or monthly).

You can turn on\off these notification types:
  1. Push: Sent from your mobile app
  2. SMS: Sent to your phone
  3. Email: Sent to your email
 Conversations allows you to create and respond to messages through a variety of channels.
You can connect the following channels in Conversations:
Facebook and Google only allow you to respond to messages sent to you. You can’t initiate a conversation via those channels.
Log in to your dashboard and select “Conversations”.
Select the plus symbol to draft a new message.
In the “Send To” field, type the name, email, or phone number of the customer you want to message.
If the customer’s information already exists in your dashboard, their name will show up automatically. If not, you can enter their email or phone number to send them a message.
Select (+)New Customer to add the new information to your contacts. If multiple forms of contact are available, you can choose which channel to use. For example, if a contact has both email and phone number, you will be able to select between sending an email or a text.
Add a subject in the “Subject line” field and then type your message.
Pro Tip: Most email messages without a subject will end up in junk or spam folders.
Select the send button to send your message.
Pro Tip: You can attach files such as coupons, other promo items, or a QR code to your messages. PDF, image, audio, and video files of up to 25 MB are allowed. You can also send emojis for a more casual feel to your message.
Select the Star icon to send a review request to your customer. 
The left hand navigation allows you to view your conversations. Just select which customer you want to message.
Pro Tip: You can also filter your conversations by channel. Click on the icon to turn that channel on or off.
Select the 3 dots to add notes to the conversation or edit the customer’s information.
All conversations are saved indefinitely and any previous conversations can be searched.

What are cookies?

Cookies may be set by a website so it can remember things about your visits, like your log-in information or what you have in your shopping cart – making for a seamless experience on the site. Some websites may also use cookies to serve relevant ads to its visitors. If you’d like to prevent a website from setting cookies, we recommend disabling third-party cookies, which stops most websites from using information in this way. Please see “How do I disable cookies?”

How do I disable cookies?

Identify the browser and operating system you’re using and follow the instructions below to disable third-party cookies. If you’d like to prevent any cookies from being set, you’ll follow the same steps – just select the option to disable all cookies instead.


Internet Explorer 

  1. Select the gear in the upper-right corner, then select “Internet Options.”
  2. Click the “Privacy” tab.
  3. Select the “Advanced” button.
  4. Under “Third-party Cookies,” choose Block to automatically block cookies or Prompt to prompt with each cookie request.
  5. Click “OK.”


  1. Select the Chrome menu icon.
  2. Click “Settings.”
  3. Select “Show Advanced Settings.”
  4. In the “Privacy” section, select “Content settings.”
  5. Check “Block third-party cookies and site data.”
  6. Select Finished.


  1. Click the menu button and choose Options/Preferences.
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Set Firefox will: to Use custom settings for history.
  4. Set Accept third party cookies: to Never.
  5. Close the about:preferences page.


  1. Click the “More actions” button in the top-right corner. Select “Settings.”
  2. Click “View Advanced Settings.”
  3. Click the dropdown arrow under the Cookies field.
  4. Select “Block Only Third Party Cookies.”

Mac OS X


  1. Select the Chrome menu icon.
  2. Select “Settings.”
  3. Select “Show Advanced Settings.”
  4. In the “Privacy” section, select “Content settings.”
  5. Check “Block third-party cookies and site data.”
  6. Select “Finished.”


  1. Choose Safari > Preferences
  2. Click “Privacy”
  3. Set “Block cookies” to “From third parties and advertisers.”


  1. Click the menu button and choose Options/Preferences.
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Set Firefox will: to Use custom settings for history.
  4. Set Accept third party cookies: to Never.
  5. Close the about:preferences page.



  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Select Safari.
  3. Select Block Cookies.
  4. Choose Allow from Current Websites Only from the list. In iOS 7 or earlier, choose From third parties and advertisers.



  1. Tap Menu > Settings > Site settings.
  2. Tap Cookies.
  3. Uncheck Allow third-party cookies.

What is GDPR?

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data. Under GDPR, organizations must ensure that personal data is gathered legally and under strict conditions. It also requires that those who collect and manage data protect it from misuse and respect the rights of data owners.


Who does GDPR apply to?

GDPR applies to any organization operating within the EU, as well as any organizations outside of the EU that offer goods or services to customers or businesses in the EU.


What does GDPR say about cookies?

GDPR requires that cookies be treated as personal data and requires users to have the choice: they must either consent to using cookies or opt out.

Yes, the undo/redo feature in our Website Editor (A.I. Editor) allows you to undo and redo edits you make to your website.
The Undo and Redo buttons are located next to the Publish and Preview buttons in the upper right hand corner of the editor.
Undo and redo work for the following:
  1. Custom block elements
  2. Span settings
  3. Flex row settings
  4. Block features such as add, delete, and re-arrange blocks
Undo and redo will not work for the following:
  1. Type\module blocks
  2. Settings such as website settings and integrations
Once you’re happy with your changes, select “Publish”. 
You can undo or redo up to 25 edits.
Keep in mind that changes stored by the undo and redo function will be lost if the page is refreshed (F5 in most browsers), or if the tab is closed and reopened, or if you log out of A.I Editor or your dashboard.
Your A.I. Editor lets you make updates to your site, apply new styles, and manage backend settings in real-time.
To add a cover overlay to an image, select the Manage Your Site tile.
Hover over the image and select the Styling icon.
Select “Advanced Settings”.
Select a color from the color wheel or enter a color code.
Adjust the opacity to apply the overlay to your image.

To make changes to an image on your website, select the Manage Your Site tile. 


Hover over the image and select the Crop icon.


Use the image grid to crop or move the bar. Select “Save”. 

Drag the image to fit in the cropped area. 
The image has been cropped.
To connect any of your social accounts, log in to your dashboard and select the “Connect Social Accounts” tile. 
From here, you can connect and manage any of the social networks available in your dashboard.
As of April 2021, we’ve also added the following to our list of integrations.
  1. HomeAdvisor
  2. HomeStars
  3. Better Business Bureau
  4. Zillow
  5. Zomato
  6. Thumbtack
  7. WebMD
Select “Connect” to connect an existing account or create a new account on that platform.
You will be prompted to add your credentials for the account. You may also be asked to grant access to our platform.

Once you have signed up for our reviews platform, connecting your social accounts is quick and easy.

1. Log in to your dashboard and select the “Connect Social Accounts” tile.
2. This screen allows you to connect your social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Click “Connect”. Select an icon at the top of your screen to connect that platform. 
If you don’t have one of these social media accounts, select “Create Account” to get started on that platform.
We recommend connecting every platform. The more visible you are online, the better your results.
For more information on connecting your social media accounts, click here.
3. Once you have connected all of your social media accounts, you will be taken back to your home screen where you can begin using your tools.
We’re now integrated with Instagram! You can now publish and schedule posts on Instagram using Social 365. You can create your own posts or use our library of curated content.
To connect your instagram account, log in to your dashboard and select “Connect Social Accounts”.
Select the Instagram icon at the top of your screen. Select “Connect” if you have an existing account, or select “Create Account” if you do not already have one and need to create one.
Selecting “Create Account” will open a new tab in your browser where you can create a new instagram account. For more information, click here.
Enter the phone number, username, or email address associated with the account you want to connect, and enter your password. Select “Next”.
You can connect both Personal and Business Profiles to your Social 365 account.
If you’ve enabled 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) for your account, you will also be prompted to enter a security code.
Your Instagram account is now connected to your dashboard.
We currently integrate with 15+ of the biggest review and social networks in the world. And we’re always adding new platform integrations! Below is a list of the platforms we currently support:
  • Google Reviews: Reviews on Google that help improve your local search ranking 
  • Yelp: Collects reviews of local businesses
  • Instagram: Users can now publish and schedule posts on Instagram 
  • Facebook: Social platform where you can connect with customers and collect reviews
  • Twitter: Social platform where you can interact with customers 
  • Foursquare: Local search-and-discovery app
  • Trustpilot: Hosts reviews of businesses worldwide
  • OpenTable: Users can make online reservations and read restaurant reviews
  • TripAdvisorReserve hotels, book transportation and restaurants, and read traveler reviews 
  • Angie’s List: Online directory with reviews of local businesses and contractors
  • Manta: Allows users to search for local businesses 
  • Consumer Affairs: Collects consumer reviews and resources
  • Cylex: Online business directory with reviews
  • Yellowpages: Local business directory with reviews
  • RateMDs: Submit and read reviews of doctors, dentists, psychologists, urgent care centers, group practices, and hospitals
  • Zocdoc: Medical care appointment booking service with reviews
  • Houzz: Home improvement community where you can showcase your work and collect reviews
  • Realtor: Real estate listings website 
  • The Knot: Wedding planning directory with lists of vendors and reviews
  • WeddingWire: Connects consumers with website professional

Connecting Your Facebook Brand Page

Connecting your Facebook brand page allows our platform to:

  • Receive your social posts
To connect you facebook account, perform the following steps
1. Login to your DCC and select the Social Calendar tile.
2. Select the “Settings” tab, the click “Connect” on the facebook tile.
3. You will be prompted to provide the account information for the facebook account you want to use.
Select the Connect Social Accounts tile. 
Select the Yelp icon and then select Connect.
Copy your Yelp page’s URL.
Paste the URL in the field below and select “Connect”.  
Yelp is now connected.
Select the Connect Social Accounts tile. 
Select the Twitter icon and then select Connect. 


Log in to your Twitter account from the pop-up. 

You will automatically be redirected back to your dashboard.
Twitter is now connected.



Select the Connect Social Accounts tile.  
Select the LinkedIn icon and then select Connect.

Log in to your LinkedIn account from the pop-up.

Select “Allow”.
LinkedIn is now connected.


Select the Connect Social Accounts tile.
Select the Tumblr icon and then select Connect.
Log in to your Tumblr account from the pop-up. 

Select “Allow”.

Tumblr is now connected.

Select the Connect Social Accounts tile. 
Select the Foursquare icon and then select Connect.
Enter your Foursquare URL and select Connect.
Our Product Reviews solution offers two way to show off your product reviews on your ecommerce website:
  1. Product Details Embed: Showcase detailed product reviews on your product pages.
  2. Star Ratings: showcase the average aggregated rating of a product.

How to install the “Product Details” embed for your website.

First login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile, then Integrations
Select the Product Reviews Embed tile.
Select the option to configure the Product Details Embed. In this section you will be able configure the look and behavior or your embed.
Configuration Options:
Title of review section: Enter the title you want to display on the Reviews section of your website.
Reviews visible by default: Allows you to specify how many reviews are displayed.
Enable product review ratings overview: Showcase review rating count.
Enable photo gallery: Publish review photos submitted by reviewers on your reviews page.
Enable product review search: Allow users to search by keywords or phrases for a specific review.
Enable filters: Lets users filter and sort based on Latest, Highest Reviewed, or Most Votes.
Enable “Was this review helpful” feedback: Allow users to indicate if a review was helpful or not helpful with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Select Platform: Select your ecommerce platform to setup the product details embed; Select from others, ECWID, and Shopify.
Some of the details on the directions will change based on what you select in the “select platform” option.
Follow the next steps to add the embed to your eCommerce website.
Add our product ratings embed to your ECWID store using A.I Editor:
Login to the DCC for the project you want add Product Reviews embed(s), click on Manage Your Site tile:
From the drop down labeled “Select Page” select the shop or store page (depending on what you named it), then select “Manage Blocks”.
And then “Add a Block”.
Form the “Block Library” select “Embed” as your type of block.
This embed can be added to any area of the page (except for the header or footer).
On a separate browser tab, navigate to your Product Reviews integrations settings:
Login to the DCC for the same project, select the Get 5 Star Reviews tile, then the Integrations tab.
Select the Product Reviews Embed tile:
Click on the button, to copy the code:
Navigate back to the browser tab with the A.I editor, and paste the code snippet. Select Embed(radio button) then click Save.
Now the Product Reviews Feed will load automatically on the store or shop page.
Our Product Reviews solution offers two way to show off your product reviews on your ecommerce website:
  • Product Details Embed: Showcase detailed product reviews on your product pages.
  • Star Ratings: showcase the average aggregated rating of a product.

How to install the “Product Details” embed for your website.


First login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile, then Integrations
Select the Product Reviews Embed tile.
Select the option to configure the Product Details Embed. In this section you will be able configure the look and behavior or your embed.
Configuration Options:
Title of review section: Enter the title you want to display on the Reviews section of your website.
Reviews visible by default: Allows you to specify how many reviews are displayed.
Enable product review ratings overview: Showcase review rating count.
Enable photo gallery: Publish review photos submitted by reviewers on your reviews page.
Enable product review search: Allow users to search by keywords or phrases for a specific review.
Enable filters: Lets users filter and sort based on Latest, Highest Reviewed, or Most Votes.
Enable “Was this review helpful” feedback: Allow users to indicate if a review was helpful or not helpful with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Select Platform: Select your ecommerce platform to setup the product details embed; Select from others, ECWID, and Shopify.         
Some of the details on the directions will change based on what you select in the “select platform” option.
Follow the next steps to add the embed to your eCommerce website.
Add embed to Shopify store:
Login to the admin area of your Shopify store.
On the left hand navigation, select Online Store, then Themes. In the area titled Live Theme, click the Actions drop down to Edit Code.
Copy the code snippet form the Product Reviews Integrations page:
Search for the “product-template.liquid” file, and past the <div> area for the product display. Click Save.
You can now refresh, and check the front end of your eCommerce website for your reviews.


How to install the “Star Ratings” embed to my website.

Navigate back to the “Embed Reviews on Your Site” page, and select the “Star Rating” tile. In this section you will be able to configure the look and feel of your Star Ratings embed.
Configuration Options:
Show Total Reviews Count: If Enabled will display the Total Reviews Count of the Product.
Show Average Rating: If Enabled will display the Average Rating for the Product.
Show Aggregated Review on Hover: This will display a small Hover Card showing the ratings.
Select Embed Background: This will display a background color behind the rating.
Select Platform: Select your ecommerce platform to setup the product details embed; Select from others, ECWID, and Shopify.                       
Some of the details on the directions will change based on what you select in the “select platform” option.
To add embed to Shopify store:
Login to the admin area of your Shopify store.
On the left hand navigation, select Online Store, then Themes. In the area titled Live Theme, click the Actions drop down to Edit Code.
Copy the first code snippet form the Product Reviews Integrations page:
Search for theme.liquid file and add the below code on the header. Click Save.
Next, copy the next code snippet form the Product Reviews Integrations page:
Search for product-template.liquid file and add the below code before the Product price <div>. Click Save.
Search for product-card-grid.liquid file and add the below code before the final <div>. And past the same code, click Save.
After adding your star widget embed, refresh any of your product pages to verify if it is installed correctly.

A review request can be sent directly from your Digital Ecosystem:

You can send a review request via email or SMS, on either a product or a service, or both if it applies to your business.

Login to your Digital Ecosystem account, the select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile, click on the “Get Reviews” tab:


In the “send to” field, you can enter the the contact name, email, phone number or group name that you want to send the review request to.


The search is intuitive for faster results.

Select your recipient;

Then you can choose to send a product review, as service review, or both.


You can select the product or products you want to send our review requests for.

Next, you can edit the request message or choose to send it as is.


Click on the envelop icon to edit the subject line.


 Other available Dynamic Tags:

You have the option to Send Now, or to Schedule your review request.


 You can check your Scheduled  and Sent review request, buy clicking on the “Scheduled Reviews” tab:

Click on the 3 dots to:

  • Edit a Request
  • Cancel a Request
  • Send Now
  • Preview Message


Product Reviews already comes with your Get 5 Star reviews.
Just login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the Get 5 Star Reviews tile, and click on the “Product Reviews” tab;
Our reviews platform now supports two types of reviews;
Product Reviews: Customers can leave a review for a specific product the have purchased from you.
Services Reviews: Customer can leave a review for a service your business provides.
There are several benefits to using reviews when generating more sales:
  1. Product reviews helps a company by providing a platform where all the previous buyers of their products, can give their feedback about the product they have purchased. A good review on a product helps the other buyer to purchase the product.
  2. It also helps the business to get the feedback on the service provided or the feedback on a product. With this information a business owner can improve there product(s) and or service(s).
Reviews can be displayed for your customers in several ways:
Product Detail: Showcases detailed product reviews on your product pages.
Star Rating View: Average Star ratings appear next to the product title. Once the customer hovers over the star ratings, then more details such as ratings for each star given by different customers will be shown.
A review request can be sent directly from your Digital Ecosystem:
You can send a review request via email or SMS, on either a product or a service, or both if it applies to your business.
Login to your Digital Ecosystem account, the select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile;
Select “Get Reviews”
From here you will be able to send reviews, add products to our catalog for reviews, check your reviews feed and check the analytics on the reviews you have sent and received.
Enter the name, email, phone number, or group name of the intended recipients
You can now select whether to send a review request for a Service, a Product or Both:
While sending the product review, the user can select the product or add the product if it is not available in the product catalog.
We can send manual review request (as shown above) and automatic review request.
Automatic: When the user purchases the product, our system receives the order information such as order id, name of the customer, email of the customer, product image and product url. Based on the information, the system sends an email to the customer.
You can schedule your review or click on the send now button to send immediately.
The settings on the “Schedule Reviews” allows you to edit the review request; you can cancel the request, preview the message or send the review request now.
Once you are up and running with your product reviews, you can check your reviews feed, by clicking on the “Product Reviews” tab:
Contact information on reviews submitted are automatically saved to the CRM in our Digital Ecosystem.

 Our Product Reviews application has three different ways to automate sending reviews request;

  1. Order Confirmation Email Integration: This automation is triggered when your ecommerce platform sends out an email confirmation on a purchase.
  2. Order Confirmation Integration: This automation is triggered when a purchase is confirmed by your ecommerce platform.
  3. Zapier (Zapier is a middle-ware application used to communicate between to platform): You can create a trigger and action that will automate the reviews collection process.
It is important to note, that only one of these methods should be used; using more than one method will result in your customers getting multiple review requests for the same product or purchase (simultaneously) and can be interpreted as spam.

How to set up “Order Confirmation Email Integration” for your Shopify store:

First login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile, then Integrations
The following screen should be displayed, select the “eCommerce Automation” tile.
Select the Shopify tile, this will take you through some detailed directions on creating this integration.
The following screen contains directions on adding our email automation to your eCommerce platform.
The following steps require Admin credentials to access the configuration for your store.
Next (on a separate browser tab), log in to your Shopify account using your store admin credentials.
Click on Settings on the bottom left corner, then Notifications.
Scroll all the way down to Staff Order Notifications, and click on Add Recipient.
Navigate back to your browser tab with the Product Reviews Integrations instructions, and copy the unique email address that will be entered in your Shopify account.
Navigate back to your browser tab with your Shopify settings, and past the email address in the “Add an order Notification” window. Click on “add an order notification” button to save.
The following should be displayed.
Next, navigate back to the browser tab with the Product Reviews Integrations, and copy the Snippet of code that will be added to your email template.
Then, you’ll need to add an Email Snippet to the notification email. Go to Templates and click New order.
The following screen should appear. Insert the Email Snippet (paste) into the email template. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Navigate back to the Product Reviews integration tab, and click Finish.
And that’s it!! From now on every time a customer makes a purchase they will also receive an invitation to leave a product review.

How to set up “Order Confirmation Integration” for your Shopify store.

First login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile, then Integrations
The following screen should be displayed, select the “eCommerce Automation” tile.
Select the “Order Confirmation Page Integration” tile.
The next screen displays detailed instructions on how to add a code snippet in to the page header of your store.
The following is for advanced users who have experience in editing the Shopify store theme.
The following steps outline the most common method to add this integration, however your should check any documentation for your exact theme.
The following steps require Admin credentials to access the configuration for your store.
Next (on a separate browser tab), log in to your Shopify account using your store admin credentials.
Navigate to the Online Store sections on the left hand navigations, the select Themes. In the “Live Theme” sections click the Actions drop down, and select Edit Code.
You should see the follow screen.
Navigate back to the browser tab with Product Reviews Integration tab, Copy the first snippet of code.
Now navigate back to the browser tab with your Shopify settings. Past the snippet of code, and click Save.
Navigate back to the browser tab with Product Reviews Integration tab, Copy the next snippet of code.
Now navigate back to the browser tab with your Shopify settings, locate your Order Confirmation page and Past the snippet of code, and click Save.
Navigate back to the Product Reviews integration tab, and click Finish.
And that’s it!! From now on every time a customer makes a purchase they will also receive an invitation to leave a product review.

How to set up “Zapier Integration” for your Shopify store.

First login to your Digital Ecosystem, select the “Get 5 Star Reviews” tile, then Integrations
The following screen should be displayed, select the “eCommerce Automation” tile.
Select the Zapier integration tile. 
The following screen displays the detailed directions on creating a “Zap” for this automation.
The following requires you to have access to a Zapier account. You can also sign up for one here.
Login to your Zapier account, select Create Zap.
Select the trigger that will start this automation. Shopify in this case
Next, choose a trigger event “New Order” from the drop down. Click Continue.
You will be prompted to sign into your Shopify account.
The next screen will prompt to install the app.
You should be automatically taken back to your Zap account. Click Continue.
Next select our app as your “Action”.
In the Zap apps listings we appear as Reviews360.
Under action event, choose “Send Surveys”.
Navigate to the browser tab with Product Reviews Integration, and Copy the Private API Key.
Click on Choose Account, and the Connect New Account. Navigate to the pop up window asking for permissions to access your account, Past the Private API key and click Yes, Continue.
Map the required fields. You can add Dynamic Text to these fields. Click Continue.
List of available Dynamic Placeholders:
Now you’re ready to turn on your Zap.
And that’s it!! From now on every time a customer makes a purchase they will also receive an invitation to leave a product review.

To change the sentiment of a post, select the Reputation Manager tile.

Each post has a sentiment of unhappy, neutral, or happy. Click to change the emoticon if you notice any discrepancies.




Select to filter by sentiment.


To connect social platforms, select the Reputation Manager tile. 
You are able to connect to the below major social platforms. 

Google Review
Trip Advisor
Open Table
Angies List
Trust Pilot
The Knot
Wedding Wire
Yellow Pages
Consumer Affairs
Select the gear icon to connect your social accounts.
You can connect and remove platforms from this screen. 


To view your Happiness Meter, select the Reputation Manager tile.

Each post has a sentiment of unhappy, neutral, or happy. Click to change the emoticon if you notice any discrepancies.

The Happiness Meter gives you an overall look at how satisfied your customers are. 

If you’re able to respond to a negative post and resolve the issue, change the sentiment to Happy to update your Happiness Meter percentage. 


To update your feed, select the Reputation Manager tile.

Select Sync Feed to update your feed. Our system automatically updates your feed every 15 minutes.


To share a review, select the Reputation Manager tile.

Select “Share” to share a review to your social media accounts.

Select the platform you’d like to share to.

To respond to a post, select the Reputation Manager tile. 

Select “Respond” to respond to a review.

Type your response, and then select “Post”.  


Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays a certain portion of the conversion value to an agency. You can set the percentage value on how much is added per click.
A Google Ads manager account will need to be connected to your account. 
For more information on getting started with Google Ads, click here.
And for more information on creating a Google Ads manager account, click here.
You may need to contact your support to enable the commissions option for your account:
Amount off spend on the Google Ads UI will not have the commission charges. The amount shown on the DCC level WILL have marked up cost.
The variables affected that are shown on the campaign overview card are:
  1. Average CPC
  2. Cost / Spend
  3. Cost / Conversion
A conversion is any meaningful action completed by a visitor on your website. Something as simple as subscribing to your company blog, downloading a whitepaper, or even viewing an important webpage on your site can be tracked as a conversion.
Conversion tracking is the process of monitoring the number of conversions completed on your website, as well as other relevant data, such as type of conversion and keywords used by search engine visitors.
Conversion tracking helps identify which keywords are working for you and how campaigns are performing. It also helps track and measure the return on investment (ROI) on your keywords.
To manage conversion tracking, log in to your dashboard and select the “Ads Management” tile.
Select the “Conversions” tab.
The main view shows a dashboard with any conversion tracking that you are currently running. If you have not created a conversion to track, this area will be blank.
Select “Create Conversion”.
Select to track a Website Conversion or a Phone Call Conversion.
Website: Allows you to track form submissions, ad clicks, or clicks on a store product.
Phone Call: Allows you to track how many times a CTA (call to action) button with a phone number is used.
To create a conversion:
1. Select Create Conversion, and then select the “Website” or “Phone Calls” tile.
2. Enter the following information:
  1. Conversion Name: This is the name given to your conversion.
  2. Select The Campaign: If you have multiple keyword campaigns running, here is where you select which one to track.
  3. How many conversions should we count: Select “One” if you are tracking a keyword campaign being used on a lead form or sign-up form. Select “Every” if you’re tracking items in an e-comm store.
The advanced fields allow you to track more data from your campaign.
  1. Customize the conversion valueThis lets you track how much these conversions are worth to your business.
  2. Select the maximum time after an ad interaction that you want to count as conversionTo see how long it takes your customers to convert, segment your reports by days to conversion.
  3. Select the max time after a person views your ad that you want to count view-through conversionsA person may see your ad and not interact with it, then convert later. This is called a view-through conversion.
  4. Select an attribution model for your Search Network and Shopping conversionsWe recommend “Time Decay”, which gives more credit to ad interactions that happened closer to the conversion.
Select Next. The following screen gives you some options for implementing your conversion tracker:
1. Get Embed Tag: Generates an embed code that can be added to your website.
2. Email Tag to Your Developer: If you have a developer that works on your website or ads, you can email the code snippet directly from here.
3. Use Google Tag Manager: Add this to your Google Ads account (In Tag Manager, start a new Google Ads tag. From the home screen, select New Tagand thenTag Configurationand thenGoogle Ads Conversion Tracking.)
Select Finish. You will receive a confirmation screen and return to the main conversions dashboard.
Yes, you can run ads on specific days or times via the Review Your Campaign Settings screen.
You may want your ad to show whenever a customer searches online. Or perhaps you only want to show your ad on certain days, or during business hours when you’re there to handle customer inquiries. You can specify certain hours or days of the week when you want your ads to show.


By default, your Google Ads campaigns are set to show ads “All day.” This means your ads are eligible to appear throughout each calendar day. Keep in mind that if no one searches for your keywords at the specified time or day you scheduled, your ads are not going to show. 


Using the same logic as sitelink extensions, structured snippet extensions enable you to list the specific products, services, or (in the case of a travel agency, for instance) destinations you offer. Rather than hyperlinks, they’re shown below your ad description in a list format preceded by a header.

As is the case with callout extensions, structured snippets are designed to differentiate yourself, provide additional information, and entice clicks from your prospects.
Yes, you can manage and add callout extensions via the Google Ads Manager tile in your dashboard.
With callout extensions, you can promote unique offers to shoppers, like free shipping or 24-hour service. When customers see your ads, they get detailed information about your business, products, and services.
Callout extensions can be added in step 5 of your Google Ads builder.
You can add up to eight callout extensions per ad.
Yes, you can add call extensions to your ads via the Google Ads Manager tile in your dashboard.
Call extensions let you add phone numbers to your ads, which can significantly increase click-through rates. When your call extensions show, people can tap or click a button to call your business directly. That means more customer engagement with your ads, and more chances for you to get and track your conversions.
You can manage your call extensions in step 5 of your Google Ads builder.
Call extensions come in two forms: your phone number (on desktop) and a call button (CTA on mobile devices). On desktops, the phone number just displays. On mobile devices, the button will call out to the number and connect you directly.
A click on a call button is the same as a click on any other search ad, so normal call rates and costs apply. In the Google Ads UI (in your Google Ads console), you can turn on call reporting to ensure you’re keeping track of which ads drive the most phone calls.
Yes, you can manage and use sitelink extensions via the Google Ads Manager tile in your dashboard.
Sitelink extensions take people to specific pages on your site (for example, a specific product or store hours). When someone clicks or taps on your links, they go directly to what they want to know or buy.

At no additional cost to you, sitelink extensions allow you to entice search prospects with deep links that lead to specific pages across your website.

You can manage your sitelink extensions in step 5 of your Google Ads builder.
Yes, ad extensions can be added to ads via the Google Ads Manager tile in your dashboard.
Ad Extensions are additional pieces of information that expand your ad and make it more useful for visitors. Usually, ad extensions get up to 15% higher click-through rates by showing additional information on your ads.
Ad extensions are optional and not mandatory for your ads.


Yes, you can edit an ad’s final URL from the Google Ads Manager tile in your dashboard.
The final URL is the website a user is taken to when they click your ad.
This is in step 4 of the setup process.
Creating a Google Ads Account


Before you start creating ads using our Google Ads Manager, you must create a Google Ads account using your Gmail email address. Once you’ve created your account in Google Ads, select “Switch to Expert Mode”. This gives you more control over your budget, target audience, etc. 
Select “Create an account without a campaign”. You’ll create your campaign directly from our dashboard using our easy 5-step wizard.

Confirm your business information and select “Submit”. 

Select “Explore your account”

This will direct you to your Google Ads dashboard. From here, select Tools & Settings > Billing Settings


Add your billing and credit card information. Google will charge this card for your campaigns. 


Creating Your Campaign
To start creating your Google Ads campaign, log in to your dashboard and select the Ads Management tile. 
Select “Get Started”. 
Sign in with your email. 
Enter your password.
Select “Allow”. 
To create a campaign, select “Create Campaign”. 
Complete all the fields on the business info screen, and then select “Next”.
On the Target Audience screen, select the locations you want to target.

Tip: If you’re a brick and mortar store, think about how far customers would travel to get to you. If you are a mobile service, like a plumber or landscaper, select “Set up specific areas” and target the cities you service


Select the languages you want your ads to display in. 


Select the network(s) you want your ads to appear on. 

Select “Next”.

Select suggested keywords or search for your own keywords. 

Tip: Keep your budget in mind here. You want to make sure you’re paying for keywords that match your business and your products/services.  

Next to the keywords you select, you’ll see the estimated reach per month and suggested bid per click. 

Tip: The “Suggested Bid/Click” column estimates how much it will cost when a customer clicks your ad. Try selecting keywords that have a large reach with a low suggested bid per click. You can also try keyword synonyms that might have a lower bid per click. 


You’ll also see your total estimated reach. 

Select “Next” to build your ad.  

Complete all the fields on this screen. You’ll see a preview of your ad to the right. 

Tip: When writing your ad, keep your customer’s goal in mind. What solution are you giving them? How are you going to do this better than your competitors? Explain this in as few words as possible. Your ad should be attention grabbing and direct. 

If you want to learn more about a specific field, hover over the question mark icon. 

Tip: Here’s an example of a good ad for a business that offers pet services: 
Headline 1
Dog Walking & Pet Sitting
Headline 2
First Walk Free
Headline 3
Call Now For Special Pricing
Description 1
Affordable dog walking, pet sitting (day and night), and waste removal services. 
Description 2
Serving Los Angeles and Orange County. 
In very few words, it sums up their services and service area, and gives viewers an incentive to take action.

Select “Done” to save your ad. 

From here, you can write another ad, edit the existing add, or duplicate the existing ad. 


Select “Next” to continue to the budget screen. 


Set max cost per click and your max daily budget. Use the slide bar to adjust the 


Tip: Select your max price per click based on your most expensive keyword. Your max daily budget should be how much you’re willing to spend per day should that highest priced keyword get clicked. 
For example, if your keyword’s suggested bid/click is $1.76, and you’re willing to spend up to $8 dollars a day, that means you’ll spend $8 dollars a day and get about 6–7 clicks each day. 
Some days you may spend more than your daily budget and other days you may spend less, but you’ll never pay more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a month. 

Select “Finish & Review”. 

Here you can review and edit all the info you’ve provided. 

Select a start date for the ad. You can also select an optional end date.

Once you’ve reviewed all your info, select “Submit Ad”. 
Note: New or modified campaigns are usually approved by Google within 1–3 days.

Your campaign has now been submitted to Google for review!

Adding Tracking to Your Campaign
Once you’ve created your campaign, it’s time to track its success. Log in to Google Ads. Select Tools & Settings > Conversions

Select the plus icon.


Select the Website tile.

Complete the following fields according to what you want to track from your campaign. 

Tip: After a visitor lands on your site, you should track the action you want them to take. If you have an online store, you want to track purchases. If you are trying to capture leads, select Submit Lead Form. If you want people to just view the content on your page, select Page View.


Enter a conversion name and select a value.

Tip: Leave the dollar amount blank unless you are selling online. If you are selling online, add the dollar value of the item you’re selling. If you’re selling different items at different prices, you can set a “default” price. This will be used instead of the individual values.

Select a count.


Select a time frame for your conversion window.


Select a time frame for your view-through-conversion window.


Leave the last two fields as is.

Select Create and Continue. On the next page, select “Install the tag yourself”.


Select the first option, and then select “Download Snippet”. 

Navigate back to your dashboard and select the Make Your Own Design Changes tile.

Select Menu > Website Settings > Custom Code

Add the entire snippet to the Header Code field and select Save.

You can now track the activity from your Google Ads traffic!


Adding a Conversion “Event Snippet” To Your Site


Another way to track your campaign’s success is through conversion tracking. A conversion is when someone clicks on your ad and then takes the action you’re encouraging them to complete, like filling out your contact form.
The best way to differentiate leads you are getting from your Google Ads vs organically (through SEO, local directories, social media, etc.) is to create a dedicated SEM landing page that includes a contact form and a thank you page. This landing page should only be accessible through your Google Ads campaign and should be hidden from search engines.  
We recommend that your landing page look similar to your website’s homepage, but any links directing people to other pages of your site should be removed. This way people are encouraged to take the action you want them to and they don’t get lost on your site. 
Your landing page should include your phone number, a lead form, and a description of your products/services. Your “event snippet” should be placed on the final destination URL or “Thank You” page. This is the page your visitor will see after they’ve taken action, like completing your contact form. 
Scheduling Your Campaign
To schedule your campaign, log in to your Google Ads account and select “Campaigns”.
Select the campaign you’re currently running. Select “Ad schedule” and then select the pencil icon.
Edit your campaign schedule.

Tip: Schedule your campaign during the days and times that you’re available to respond quickly to inquiries, like during your business hours.  

Editing an Active Campaign
Once your ad is live, you can preview the campaign, edit the campaign, pause the campaign, or remove the campaign. 

If you need to make edits to your campaign, select “Edit campaign”. Select a pencil icon to make changes.

Adding an Ad Extension to Your Campaign
Ad extensions give your ads more prominence and can get you more clicks and valuable user interactions. To add an extension, log into your Google Ads account and select “campaigns”.
Select the campaign you’re currently running, and then select Ads & extensions > Extensions.
Select “Create ad extension.”
Select the extension you’d like to create

Tip: We recommend the Call extension and Location extension. A call extension lets visitors call you directly from the ad and a location extension displays your address.

Call Extension Example:


A location extension needs to be connected to your Google My Business account. This is how businesses appear in Google Maps and the local pack through paid search.

Example of Location Extension:


Google Local Pack:

If you don’t have a Google My Business account and are looking for an easy way to create and manage directory listings, check out our Local SEO upgrade.




Select the Notifications tab to manage email notifications about ad performance, completion, pause, and start. 


Google Ads Campaign Analytics


To view your campaign’s performance, select the Ads Management tile. 

Select “View Performance Details”.

Select a date range to filter analytics. 

Tip: Track your clicks, impressions, conversions, and cost. This gives you a good idea of how much you have to spend in order to get the results you want. It will also show you how many impressions it takes to get clicks and conversions.

You’ll also see your performance per keyword.  

Tip: Remove keywords that are not getting many impressions and replace them with alternatives. You can always pause and activate keywords. 


Below are some tips for how to improve the performance of your Google Ads:

  • To encourage clicks, provide a clear call to action in your ads.
  • Include promos or pricing in your ads. This lets people know what you’re offering up front, similar to seeing a promo posted in a store’s window. What would you need to see to get you through the front door?
  • Make sure your keywords are relevant to your product/service. Be as specific as possible to funnel your campaign to the right audience. If you offer home renovation services, a keyword like “home” is too generic. Make sure “renovation” is included to narrow down your audience.
  • Google uses algorithms to match your keywords to what users are searching. For example, someone might search “looking to rent a house”. If you are using “homes” as a keyword, Google may associate the word “house” to “homes” and your campaign may pop up, even though it’s not relevant. Using Search Terms in your Google Ads dashboard allows you to monitor what Google is matching with your keywords. Use Negative Keywords to omit keywords/phrases so your ad doesn’t show up in those searches. This can help you save money and target a better audience.
  • Make sure your landing page is built to convert by including the following: 
    • A Clear Call to Action: You want to encourage your visitors to take action, so direct messaging on your landing page is key.
    • Coupon/Promo: Offering visitors a discount or special is a great way to encourage them to choose you.
    • High-Quality Images & Videos: Quality content speaks volumes. Grab attention with high-quality images/photos that show off what you do. 
    • Reviews: A collection of glowing reviews helps give your visitor the assurance they need to seal the deal.
    • A Catchy Headline: Grab your visitor’s attention with something that’s meaningful, powerful, and gives a clear sense of direction
To remove your Google Ads account, select the Ads Management tile.
Select the Settings tab, and then select the Remove button.
Select Yes to confirm.
You will be redirected to the Get Started page where you can connect a new Google Ads account.

To view your campaign’s performance, select the Ads Management tile. 


Select “View Performance Details”

Select a date range to filter analytics. 

Tip: Track your clicks, impressions, conversions, and cost. This gives you a good idea of how much you have to spend in order to get the results you want. It will also show you how many impressions it takes to get clicks and conversions.

You’ll also see your performance per keyword.  

Tip: Remove keywords that are not getting many impressions and replace them with alternatives. You can always pause and activate keywords. 


To track the success of your Google Ads campaign, we recommend creating an SEM landing page. This makes it easy to track traffic from your campaign separately from organic traffic to your website.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Below are two ways you can track conversions.

  1. Global Site Tag: The global site tag adds visitors to your basic remarketing lists and sets new cookies on your domain, which will store information about the ad click that brought a user to your website. You must install this tag on every page of your website.

    1. You can add this to your Header or Footer Code in A.I. Editor > Website Settings > Custom Code

  1. Event Snippet: The event snippet works with the global site tag to track actions that should be counted as conversions. Choose whether to track conversions on a page load or click (we recommend page load). 

    1. Add this code to the final page clients land after they have called you or completed your contact form. This ensures that the only way your client will see this page is if they have contacted you.

    2. We recommend a “Thank You” page. On this page, you can place the embed code in A.I. Editor > Manage Blocks > Add Block > Embed

This stands for average cost per click. It’s calculated by dividing your total spend by your total number of clicks.


If you want to budget, report, or have multiple destination URLs in your campaign, then yes. For example, if you have different products or services you want to promote, you should have separate campaigns, budget, and reporting.


If you want to budget, report, or have multiple destination URLs in your campaign, then yes. For example, if you have different products or services you want to promote, you should have separate campaigns, budget, and reporting.


It can take up to a few weeks to see results, but you should be monitoring your activity daily. Sometimes changing keywords, your daily budget, or your ad text can help attract more visitors. 


Impressions tell you how often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network.


A click is when someone clicks your ad. 

When someone clicks on your ad and then takes the action you’re encouraging them to complete, like calling you or filling out your contact form. 


A ratio showing how often people who see your ad end up clicking it. Clickthrough rate (CTR) can be used to gauge how well your keywords and ads are performing.


Before you start creating ads using our Google Ads Manager, you must create a Google Ads account using your Gmail email address. Once you’ve created your account in Google Ads, select “Switch to Expert Mode”. This gives you more control over your budget, target audience, etc. 
Select “Create an account without a campaign”. You’ll create your campaign directly from our dashboard using our easy 5-step wizard.

Confirm your business information and select “Submit”. 

Select “Explore your account”

This will direct you to your Google Ads dashboard.  From here, select Tools & Settings > Billing Settings

Add your billing and credit card information. Google will charge this card for your campaigns. 


To start creating your Google Ads campaign, log in to your dashboard and select the Ads Management tile. 

Select “Get Started”. 
Sign in with your email. 
Enter your password.
Select “Allow”. 
To create a campaign, select “Create Campaign”. 
Complete all the fields on the business info screen, and then select “Next”.
On the Target Audience screen, select the locations you want to target.

Tip: If you’re a brick and mortar store, think about how far customers would travel to get to you. If you are a mobile service, like a plumber or landscaper, select “Set up specific areas” and target the cities you service

Select the languages you want your ads to display in. 

Select the network(s) you want your ads to appear on. 


Select “Next”.


Select suggested keywords or search for your own keywords. 

Tip: Keep your budget in mind here. You want to make sure you’re paying for keywords that match your business and your products/services.  

Next to the keywords you select, you’ll see the estimated reach per month and suggested bid per click. 

Tip: The “Suggested Bid/Click” column estimates how much it will cost when a customer clicks your ad. Try selecting keywords that have a large reach with a low suggested bid per click. You can also try keyword synonyms that might have a lower bid per click. 

You’ll also see your total estimated reach. 
Select “Next” to build your ad.  

Complete all the fields on this screen. You’ll see a preview of your ad to the right. 

Tip: When writing your ad, keep your customer’s goal in mind. What solution are you giving them? How are you going to do this better than your competitors? Explain this in as few words as possible. Your ad should be attention grabbing and direct. 

If you want to learn more about a specific field, hover over the question mark icon. 

Tip: Here’s an example of a good ad for a business that offers pet services: 
Headline 1
Dog Walking & Pet Sitting
Headline 2
First Walk Free
Headline 3
Call Now For Special Pricing
Description 1
Affordable dog walking, pet sitting (day and night), and waste removal services. 
Description 2
Serving Los Angeles and Orange County. 
In very few words, it sums up their services and service area, and gives viewers an incentive to take action.
Select “Done” to save your ad. 
From here, you can write another ad, edit the existing add, or duplicate the existing ad. 

Select “Next” to continue to the budget screen. 

Set max cost per click and your max daily budget. Use the slide bar to adjust the amount.
Tip: Select your max price per click based on your most expensive keyword. Your max daily budget should be how much you’re willing to spend per day should that highest priced keyword get clicked. 
For example, if your keyword’s suggested bid/click is $1.76, and you’re willing to spend up to $8 dollars a day, that means you’ll spend $8 dollars a day and get about 6–7 clicks each day. 
Some days you may spend more than your daily budget and other days you may spend less, but you’ll never pay more than your daily budget times the average number of days in a month. 

Select “Finish & Review”. 

Here you can review and edit all the info you’ve provided. 

Select a start date for the ad. You can also select an optional end date. 
Once you’ve reviewed all your info, select “Submit Ad”. 
Note: New or modified campaigns are usually approved by Google within 1–3 days.

Your campaign has now been submitted to Google for review!


To pause a Google Ads campaign, select the Ads Management tile.
Hover over the three dots on the campaign and select Pause Campaign.
Select Yes to confirm you would like to pause the campaign.
To enable a paused campaign, select the Ads Management tile.
Hover over the three dots on the campaign and select Enable Campaign.
Select Yes to confirm you would like to enable the campaign.


To remove a campaign, select the Ads Management tile.
Hover over the three dots on the campaign and select Remove Campaign.
Select Yes to confirm you would like to remove the campaign.


To manage your Google Ads notifications, select the Ads Management tile.


Select the Notifications tab to manage email notifications regarding ad performance, completion, pause, and start. 


To filter your Competition Tracker feed, select the Competition Tracker tile.

Select the checkbox to make the social platform visible in your feed. 

Deselect a platform to remove it from your feed. 


To update your Competition Tracker feed, select the Competition Tracker tile.

Select Sync Feeds to update your feed. We automatically update your feed every 15 minutes.


To view your Competition Tracker feed, select the Competition Tracker tile.

You can filter your feed by Competitor, Emotion, Post Type, and Date Range.

Competitor Filter

Emotion Filter

Post Type Filter

Date Range


To view your competition’s stats, select the Competition Tracker tile.

Scroll down to the Your Competitors section. Here you can see where your competitors’ customers are talking about them. 


To set up Competition Tracker, select the Competition Tracker tile.

Select “Get Started”.

Allow location tracking so we can recommend competitors in your area.

Search for your competitors by business name or industry.

When you find a competitor you want to track, toggle the tracking button to On.

Below you’ll see recommended competitors based on your location.

Select “Save”.




To view posts, select the Competition Tracker tile.

You can view posts about your competition in your feed. 

Select View Comments to view additional comments on the post.


To change the sentiment of a post, select the Competition Tracker tile.

Select the emoticon that matches the sentiment of the post: Unhappy, Neutral, or Happy.


This powerful social publishing tool plans up to a year of social media posts with just a few clicks. Think of it as your personal social media manager. Social 365 handles your social media so you can focus on other things, like running your business.


Enabling direct posting allows you to publish posts directly to your social profiles. Disable direct posting to publish posts to your blog and share the blog post link to your social profiles.
Direct posting is enabled by default on most accounts. If it isn’t, follow the steps below to enable (or disable) it.
Log in to your dashboard and select the Social Calendar tile.
Access your settings by selecting the gear icon, and then select “Post Settings”.
Toggle to “Yes” or “No” to enable or disable direct posting.
Changes to settings are saved automatically.


We’re now integrated with Instagram! You can now publish and schedule posts on Instagram using Social 365. You can create your own posts or use our library of curated content.
To schedule an Instagram post, log in to your dashboard and select the “Social Calendar” tile.
Select the “+” button to create your post.
Select “Create New Post”.
Add your text and image. You can post a single image with a title and description.
Add hashtags (#) to your post to increase visibility!
Make sure the Instagram icon is selected.
For more information on connecting your instagram account, click here.
Select a time to schedule your post or select “Post Now”. Then select “Publish”.


We’re now integrated with Instagram! You can now publish and schedule posts on Instagram using Social 365. You can create your own posts or use our library of curated content.
To schedule an Instagram post, log in to your dashboard and select the “Social Calendar” tile.
Select the “+” button to create your post.
Select “Create New Post”.
Add your text and image. You can post a single image with a title and description.
Add hashtags (#) to your post to increase visibility!
Make sure the Instagram icon is selected.
For more information on connecting your instagram account, click here.
Select a time to schedule your post or select “Post Now”. Then select “Publish”.


You can create your own social post categories in Social 365 (Social Calendar). Add posts to build the category, and schedule the posts automatically or manually. 
To access this feature, log in to your dashboard and select the Social 365 (Social Calendar) tile.
Select the “+” symbol. 


Select the Categories tab and then select “Create New Category”. Enter a Category Name and select a cover image. 



Select “Save”.
To start adding posts to your new category, select the category tile.
Select “Add Post” and then create your post in the pop-up window. Select “Save”.
Drag and drop the post onto your calendar to schedule it manually. 


To edit a post in Social 365:
  1. Select the Social Calendar tile.
  2. Select the edit link on the post you would like to edit.
  3. Update the post title, description, or image.
  4. Select the Schedule button to save updates.


Social 365 uses our library of expertly curated content to automatically plan and publish your social media posts for up to an entire year – all it takes is a few clicks. 
To set up Social 365:
1. Log in to your dashboard and select the Social Calendar tile.
2. Select Get Started. 
3. Select whether you want the tool to automatically schedule posts for you or if you want to schedule posts manually.
4. If you select “Yes”, you can pick the post categories you’d like us to use. 
5. Select your desired posting frequency.
6. Choose if you would like to schedule posts on the weekend.
7. Adjust your posting frequency, if desired.
8. Select which social media platforms you want to post to.
9. We’ll populate your social calendar with posts for an entire year.
Select any post to make changes to it.
Toggle the Auto-Schedule button to “Off” to turn of auto posting.


To preview your posts in Social 365, follow the steps outlined in this article:

  1.    Log in to your dashboard and select the Social Calendar tile.
  1. To preview a post and see what it will look like before you publish it, select a post on your calendar or create a new post. Then select the preview icon at the top of the pop-up.
  1. Select a platform to see how your post will look on that platform. You can preview your post on any of the following platforms that you’ve connected: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and your blog.

You can preview your posts on the following platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr, and your blog. 

To exit out of the post preview, select “x” in the upper right hand corner.


To change a social post title or description in Social 365:
  • Select the Social Calendar tile.
  • Select the edit link on the post you would like to edit.
  • Update the title, description, or image.
  • Select the Schedule button to save updates.


To add a post, select the “+” icon.

Select “Create New Post” or choose a post from our content library.

To browse our library of content, choose a category.

When you choose a post, drag and drop it onto the day you want to publish it.​

Select “Create New Post” to create a new custom post.

Add a title, caption, and image, and select a publishing date and time.


To repost a post that has already been published, hover over the post you would like to republish and select Repost. 
Make any desired edits to the post, select the platforms you would like to post to, select a posting time, and select Publish. 



To enable/disable auto-scheduling in Social 365, toggle the Auto Schedule button to “No”. 


To switch from calendar to timeline view, select the Timeline icon.
To navigate your timeline, select a month from the drop-down menu to view that month’s posts
Reference the date headers in the posting timeline to see the posts scheduled for each day.


Select the icon at the bottom right of the screen to navigate back to the beginning of the timeline.


To change your posting frequency, select the gear icon.
Select Categories and Frequency. 
Select the days of the week icons to enable or disable posting on specific days.
Select different posting times from the drop-down menus.
Select the plus icon next to the posting time to add a new posting time, or click the minus icon to delete one. 
Select the social icons to select or deselect the platforms you want to post to.
Select Save.


Select the Social Analytics tab.

Once you start posting, we’ll track the following actions on your posts:

Action Metrics:

  •             Reactions
  •             Comments
  •             Shares


Select the Social Analytics tab.

Once you’ve started posting, we’ll track the following post types: 

Post Format:

  •            Plain Text
  •            RSS Feed
  •            Image-rich



Select the Social Analytics tab.

Once you start posting, we’ll track the following:

Action Metrics:

  •             Reactions
  •             Comments
  •            Shares

Post Format:

  •            Plain Text
  •            RSS Feed
  •            Image-rich

Top Posts by Engagement



Select the Social Analytics tab.

Scroll down to view the Top Posts by Engagement section.


Our Local SEO tool automatically adds you to 40+ directories with just a few clicks.


If your business does not serve customers at a physical address, we’ve added the following option for you to select on your Business Profile. If you select this option, your address won’t be shown and your listings will say, “I don’t have a physical address.”
Log in to your dashboard and select the Local SEO Listings tile.
Select the “Business Profile” tab, and then select “Basic Info”.

Enable the checkbox if you do not have a physical address.
To create your listings, select the Local SEO Listings tile.

Select “Get Started”.

Select “Update Business Profile”. 


Update the following information on the Basic Info tab.

Business Name

Business Type

Business Sub-type


Business Address

Contact Information

Business Website


About Your Business (Short Description)


About Your Business (Long Description)

Business Hours

Business Hour Notes
Special Hours
Select “Save”. 
Update the following information on the About Your Business tab.
Keywords: Add up to 10 keywords relevant to your business, adding the most important ones first.
Products/Services: Inform customers what products or services you provide at your location.
Service Areas: Add the areas your business serves.
Languages: Let customers know which languages they can be served in.
Brands: Let customers know what brands you offer at this location.
Payment Methods: Select the payment methods you accept.
Statement of Ownership (Optional): Certain countries require businesses to include a statement of ownership on their listings.
Attributes: Select attributes that help describe your business to customers.
Update the following on the Media tab.
Square Logo
Formats: JPG or PNG
Recommended size: 200 x 200 px
Max file size: 5 MB
Landscape Photo
Formats: JPG or PNG
Minimum size: 480 px wide
Max file size: 5 MB
Photos Representing Your Business
Formats: JPG or PNG
Minimum size: 480 x 480 px
Max file size: 5 MB
To add a video, add a link from YouTube or Vimeo and select “Add”.
You can add multiple videos.
Select “Save”. 
Once all fields are complete and saved, your Business Profile will be at 100%. 
Once all fields are complete, navigate to the Local SEO Listings tab and select “Create Listings Now”. 
You will now see the directories your business is synced to. 
Google and Facebook require you to log in to your account using your username and password. Select “Connect”. 
Select “Start” from the pop-up window. 
Enter the email address associated with your Google My Business account. 
Enter your password and select “Next”.
Select “Allow”.
Select “Confirm” next to your business. if you do not see your business listed, you will need to Create a new Google My Business location. 

To update your Basic Info section, select the Local SEO Listings tile.

In the My Listings tab, select Update Business Profile.
Select the Basic Info tab.
Here you can update the following business info:

Business Name

Business Type

Business Sub-type

Business Address

Contact Information


Business Website


About Your Business (Short Description)

About Your Business (Long Description)

Business Hours


Business Hour Notes

Special Hours
Select “Save”. 

To update your About Your Business section, select the Local SEO Listings tile.

In the My Listings tab, select Update Business Profile.
Select the About Your Business tab.
Update the following information on the About Your Business tab.

Keywords: Add up to 10 keywords relevant to your business, adding the most important ones first.

Products/Services: Inform customers what products or services you provide at your location.
Service Areas: Add the areas your business serves.
Languages: Let customers know which languages they can be served in.
Brands: Let customers know what brands you offer at this location.
Payment Methods: Select the payment methods you accept.
Statement of Ownership (Optional): Certain countries require businesses to include a statement of ownership on their listings.


Attributes: Select attributes that help describe your business to customers.

To update the media included in your local listings, select the Local SEO Listings tile.

In the My Listings tab, select Media. 
You can update the following on the Media tab.

Square Logo

Formats: JPG or PNG
Recommended size: 200 x 200 px
Max file size: 5 MB
Landscape Photo
Formats: JPG or PNG
Minimum size: 480 px wide
Max file size: 5 MB
Photos Representing Your Business
Formats: JPG or PNG
Minimum size: 480 x 480 px
Max file size: 5 MB

Add videos in the Videos section. Add a link from YouTube or Vimeo and select “Add”. 


You can add multiple videos.

Select “Save”. 
Once all fields in your Business Profile are complete, your Business Profile ranking should be 100%. 

Once all fields are complete, navigate to the Local SEO Listings tab and select “Create Listings Now”. 

You will now see the directories your business is synced to. 


Google and Facebook require you to log in to your account using your username and password. Select “Connect”. 

Select “Start” from the pop-up window. 


Enter the email address associated with your Google My Business account. 


Enter your password and select “Next”.


Select “Allow”.

Select “Confirm” next to your business. If you do not see your business listed, you will need to create a new Google My Business location. 
Our Local SEO Listings tool adds your business to the following directories: 


Google Maps

Apple Maps

Bing Maps






Google My Business





Google Assistant

Amazon Alexa

Apple Siri

Microsoft Cortana



Chamber of Commerce


Judy’s Book



My Local Services

Where To

















Car OEMs:









To add photos or your logo to your local listings, select the Local SEO Listings tile.

In the My Listings tab, select Update Business Profile.
Add the following on the Media tab.

Square Logo

Formats: JPG or PNG
Recommended size: 200 x 200 px
Max file size: 5 MB
Landscape Photo
Formats: JPG or PNG
Minimum size: 480 px wide
Max file size: 5 MB
Photos Representing Your Business
Formats: JPG or PNG
Minimum size: 480 x 480 px
Max file size: 5 MB

To add video to your local listings, select the Local SEO Listings tile

Select Update Business Profile.
Select the Media tab.
Scroll down to the Videos section. Add a link from YouTube or Vimeo and select “Add”. 


You can add multiple videos.

All of your notifications settings  for push notifications, SMS, and email  can be managed via the Notifications Center. 
Log in to your dashboard, hover over your profile icon, and select Notifications Center. You can also navigate to this area by selecting the Your Customers tile. 
Select the “Notifications Center” tab. From here, you can turn any of our notifications on or off.
You can manage notifications for the following sections of your dashboard:
  1. Growth Report
  2. Social Accounts
  3. Social Calendar
  4. Get 5 Star Reviews
  5. Local SEO Listings
  6. Ads Management
  7. Email Marketing
You can enable or disable the following types of notifications:
Push: Enable or disable push notifications generated via the mobile app.
SMS: Enable or disable SMS notifications for that section of the dashboard.
Email: Enable or disable email notifications for that section of the dashboard.
To add a new customer:
  • Select the Your Customers tile. 
  • Select Add Customer.
  • Enter the customer’s information: First & last name, email address, phone number, and customer group (optional).
  • Select Save New Customer, you will be directed to the Customer Overview section.


To import customers, select the Your Customers tile. 

Select the import icon.


Select the link to download a .CSV template.

Add customer information to the appropriate cells in the template.

Remember to save as a .CSV file.

Once the file is ready, select “Choose File” and select the .CSV file.

The file will upload and you will see a preview of the customer list.


Select the drop-down menu next to each column to match the columns to the correct column title.

Select “Import Customers”.

The import is now complete. Select “Continue”. 

The customers are now added to the Customer Overview section. 


To export a list of your customers, select the Your Customers tile. 
Select the Export icon. 
The spreadsheet will automatically download in a .CSV format.


To send a survey from the Your Customers section, select the Your Customers tile. 

To send the customer a survey, select the Send Survey icon.

Select “Yes” from the pop-up menu to confirm.


To delete a customer, select the Your Customers tile.
In the edit column, select the Trash icon to delete the customer’s information.
Select OK to confirm.


To edit a customer, select the Your Customers tile. 
Select the pencil icon next to the customer you want to edit. 
Update the customer’s information and select Save.


To create a customer group, select the Your Customers tile.

To manage customer groups, select the Groups tab.

By default, all customers are added to the General group.

Select the “+” icon to add a new customer group.

Enter a group name and select the checkbox next to each customer you’d like to add to the group.

Select “Add” to add the customers to the group. Select “Save”.


The new customer group has now been created.


To search for a customer group, select the Your Customers tile.

To manage customer groups, select the Groups tab.

Use the search field to enter the customer group name. The results will display below.


To update your dashboard’s Business Profile, hover over the profile icon and select Business Settings.
Here you can update the following: 
  • Contact Information 
  • Business Information
  • Website Information
  • About Your Business (Short Description)
  • About Your Business (Longer Description)
  • Business Hours
  • Business Hour Notes
  • Special Hours
  • Timezone
Select Save after making updates.


Learn how to post to your website’s blog. Create content your customers and search engines love!
Share your expertise and increase your reach online. 


To add keywords to your blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post.
Enter a keyword in the Keywords field and select Add. 
The keyword has been added. Repeat the steps above to add more keywords. 


To enable or disable comments on your blog posts, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the pencil icon next to the blog post.
Select the Comments drop down, and select either enable or disable. Comments are disabled by default.


To edit text format, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post. 
Highlight the text you want to edit and select Format. Select a heading from H1H6.


To share a blog post to your social media, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the pencil icon next to the post. 
Select the social platforms you want to share your post to.


To link an image in your blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post.
Select the image icon to upload an image.
Highlight the image and select the Link option. 
Add the URL you want to link to and select OK. 


To add a table to your blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post.
Right click where you’d like to add the table and hover over the Table option.
Select a number of columns and rows.


To adjust a table in your blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post. 
Select the corners of the table to resize it. 
You will see the dimensions of the table.


To add a category to a blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post.
Select the Category drop down. You can create a new category or select an existing category.


To save your blog post as a draft, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post.
Once you’re done editing your post, select Save Draft.
To return back to the post, select the Drafts tab.


To edit a blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Pencil icon next to the post you want to edit. 
Update your blog post and select Publish to publish your changes.


To preview a blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Eye icon to preview your post in a new tab. 


To search for a blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Search for a post using keywords or filter by category.


To delete a blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Trash icon next to the post you want to delete. The blog post will be permanently deleted. 


To create a blog post:

  • Select the Blog Platform tile.
  • Select Write A Post.
  • Enter the blog headline and description. 
  • Add your post to a category (optional). 
  • Enter the keywords for the blog post.
  • Select Publish to post to your blog. 


Select “Image” to add an image to your post.

Add an image from your computer or enter a URL where the image is hosted.

You can add a caption once the image is uploaded.

Type the caption and select “Done”.

To adjust the image’s dimensions, highlight the image, right click, and select “Image”.

Here you can add alt text for ADA compliance, adjust the image dimensions (select the checkbox to constrain the proportions), or select to have the image load to full screen width.


Select “Image” to add an image to your blog post.

Add an image from your computer or enter a URL where the image is hosted.

To adjust the image’s dimensions, highlight the image, right click, and select “Image”.

Here you can add alt text for ADA compliance, adjust the image dimensions (select the checkbox to constrain the proportions), or select to have the image load to full screen width.


To schedule a blog post to publish in the future, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the pencil icon next to the post.
Select the calendar icon. Select the date and time you would like to publish your post. 


To view your scheduled blog posts, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Scheduled tab.


To view your blog post drafts, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Drafts tab.


To add or remove the author’s name on a blog post, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Blog Settings tab. Toggle the Display Author’s Name button to “On” to show the author’s name on your blog posts. To hide this, toggle the button to “Off”.


To add or remove share icons, select the Blog Platform tile.
Toggle the Display Share Icons button to “On” to include share icons. To hide these icons, toggle the button to “Off”.


To add/remove the date and time on your blog posts, select the Blog Platform tile.
Toggle the Display Date/Time button to “On” to display the date and time the post was published. To hide this, toggle the button to “Off”.


To add an RSS feed to your blog, select the Blog Platform tile.
Select the Blog Settings tab, paste the RSS feed URL in the field below.
You can add multiple RSS feeds. Select “Add” to add an additional feed. 


Note: If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account, visit to learn how to get started. 

To connect your Google Analytics account, select the Site Analytics tile.

There are two tabs: Overview and Settings. To set up analytics, select “Click here to configure analytics”.  

Select “Connect” in the Google Analytics section.

Enter the Google account information used to set up Google Analytics. Select “Next”.

Select “Allow” to grant access.

Click the drop-down menu and select the domain.

Select “Save”.


Select the Overview tab to view analytics.


Select the Settings tab to remove or edit the connected Google Analytics account.



To view your website’s analytics, select the Site Analytics tile. 
Here you can review detailed information on your website’s traffic. 




To view your website’s analytics, select the Site Analytics tile. 
Select the Time Range drop down to filter your website’s analytics by date: This Week, This Month, This Quarter, This Year, or a custom date range. 


Learn how to set up your website’s analytics. We’ll track the metrics that matter most so you know exactly how visitors are interacting with your website.


Select the Bell icon in the top right corner of your dashboard to view notifications about your account, tools, etc. 
Your notifications will appear in the window to the right. 


To change your website’s name, select the “Manage Websites” link.
Hover over the three dots and select “Edit Website Name”.
Update the name and select “Done”.


To log out, hover over the profile icon.
Select “Log Out”.


To update your name and/or email, hover over the profile icon.
Select “My Profile”.
Here you can update your name and email address. 


To update your password, hover over the profile icon.
Select “My Profile”.
Here you can update your password. 


To update your profile image, hover over the profile icon.


Select the “My Profile” link.

Select “Edit Image” to upload a new image.


For more information on editing your SEO keywords and site description, click here.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results. This is often referred to as “organic” or “earned” results. Organic search results are listings on SERPs (search engine ranking pages) that appear because of their relevance to the search terms (doesn’t include any paid-for advertising).
  • SEO grows your audience. When you have a high Google ranking, your online reach increases and so does traffic to your site. 
  • More traffic means more opportunities to convert visitors into customers. 
  • SEO is good for visibility and branding. If you continually appear in search results, that means you are making impressions on potential customers. 
  • SEO helps build your brand’s credibility. 
  • We trust search engines to give us exactly what we need. We take their rankings as a vote of confidence. 
  • The higher your website ranks, the more search engines trust your website, and the more people will trust you too. 
  • SEO can boost the effectiveness of your other online marketing efforts. 
  • Because of increased visibility in search engine results with SEO, you can boost the effectiveness of your other marketing efforts, like social media marketing, content marketing, ad campaigns, etc. 
  • SEO can improve offline conversions. If you’re using a good local SEO strategy, you’ll have consistent listings and business information across the Internet that include your business name, hours of operation, address, and phone number — the info that makes it easy for a searcher to visit your location and become a customer.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. You engage in SEO when you attempt to get a page to rank higher in a search engine’s SERPs (search engine results pages), with the ultimate goal being to increase organic (unpaid) traffic to that page.



Both are important. You can’t establish domain authority, organic brand affinity, and really, a wholly formed online presence without SEO. But you can’t granularly target prospects by demographic, behaviors, or keywords without PPC.


On-page SEO refers to tactics utilized on or within a page to assist it in ranking higher in search engine results. On-page SEO includes both content and the HTML source code of a page (image optimization, keyword optimization, Schema markup, and more), but not external links and other external signals.


Yes! If you’re not familiar with HTTPS, it is essentially a more secure form of HTTP. Look up at the URL of this page. See the “https” at the beginning, and the word “Secure” to the left of it? Google looks on pages like these favorably. Not only does it index HTTPS pages first, but it also recognizes HTTPS as a ranking signal. HTTPS is also faster than HTTP, which can affect click-through rate. So yes, changing to HTTPS should positively impact your rankings.


Yes! But not all of them. There are four kinds of meta tags:


Meta Keywords Attribute: A series of keywords you deem relevant to the page in question.


Title Tag: The title of your page.


Meta Description Attribute: A brief description of the page.


Meta Robots Attribute: An indication to search engine crawlers (robots or “bots”) as to what they should do with the page.


Meta Keywords Attribute is antiquated, and you shouldn’t worry about it. Your Meta Robots Attribute is most likely already set to “index/follow”. What you should worry about is your title tag and meta description.

Robots.txt is a text file within your website’s top-level directory that instructs search engines how to crawl your pages.


The internet is made up of two things: content, and links between content. When search engines first started indexing web pages, they needed a way to determine which pages were most relevant to certain queries (a system of ranking). The quality and number of backlinks pointing to a page immediately became a factor in determining that page’s rank. Backlinks represent a vote of confidence from one site to another. The more quality backlinks your page earns, the more valuable it is in the eyes of the search engine, and the more likely it is to achieve a high ranking.


Redirects are a natural part of linking between content on your site. That said, 301 redirects pass anywhere between 90-99% of link equity (ranking power) to the redirected page. So, if you’ve moved a piece of content between several different pages, and all those redirects are still in place, you might be sacrificing some load speed/link equity. It’s a good idea to eliminate those superfluous intermediaries.



Still, not all redirects are created equal. 301 redirects, in which a page is moved permanently, are the most SEO-friendly redirects. They pass between 90-99% of link equity. 302 redirects, which indicate a temporarily redirected page, pass less link equity. Meta refreshes are redirects that take place on the page level, rather than the server level. These are most commonly associated with the text, “If you are not redirected in five seconds, click here.” Meta refreshes pass some link equity, but are not a recommended SEO tactic.



Yes! Each piece of new content you create is another opportunity to rank for a keyword related to your business. The more high-quality blog posts you create, the more likely you are to appear in your industry’s organic search results.



We know website accessibility is important, so we’ve partnered with AudioEye, a company that specializes in web accessibility. When you sign up for our Accessibility Upgrade, AudioEye’s technology is applied to your site. They’ll test it thoroughly to ensure it’s ADA compliant to AA standards, get you certified, and perform ongoing remediation to make sure you stay in compliance. We highly recommend this upgrade for all of our clients. It opens your site up to more customers – according to the World Health Organization, between 15–20% of the world’s population is disabled. And it also protects you from risk of a lawsuit.



When not designed to specific ADA standards, websites can be difficult or impossible to navigate by people who rely on assistive technologies. Websites must be designed and developed to accommodate users with diverse abilities. In the same way that a building must provide certain physical accommodations – ramps, rails, elevators – websites must provide accommodations in the digital space.


The problem is a lot of these free tools don’t give a complete understanding of a site’s accessibility. Many of them don’t recognize advanced techniques people are using. You need a solution that’s more comprehensive and includes manual user testing. With our Accessibility Upgrade, AudioEye will perform both automated and manual user testing on an ongoing basis.


UserWay doesn’t solve compliance problems. Their plugin does nothing to aid a user’s assistive technology, and in some cases, it actually hinders these technologies. The toolbar they use doesn’t look at a website’s actual code, which means it’s not solving anything. UserWay also doesn’t do any manual testing. They rely solely on automatic scans, which can miss issues. In fact, having the UserWay widget on your site actually makes you a target. It signals to attorneys that you’ve done little work to address accessibility issues. If you get served a lawsuit, this free plugin will end up costing you quite a lot.



With our Accessibility Upgrade, AudioEye provides you with end-to-end accessibility testing (automatic and manual), resolving all accessibility barriers and validating resolutions – and they’ll perform ongoing monitoring to future-proof you against risk. The AudioEye certification signals to the world that you’re truly committed to compliance.


AudioEye is a company that helps ensure your website is optimized to provide an accessible user experience by conforming to ADA standards (WCAG 2.0 Level AA). They work to continually monitor your site, identify issues of accessibility, and resolve them immediately through remediation testing. We’ve partnered with AudioEye to bring an accessibility solution to your site.


All public entities are required to provide equal access under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so yes, failing to provide an accessible website can result in legal action. We encourage all our clients to sign up for our Accessibility Upgrade to make sure they’re protected from a lawsuit. 


If you’d like to cancel your Accessibility Upgrade, we require 30 days’ written notice. Canceling this upgrade will not affect your overall subscription.


Yes, domain privacy is included free with all domains purchased through our platform. 
WHOIS is an Internet record that lists information about domains. WHOIS records are used by ICANN, the organization that oversees domain names, to keep domains organized and legitimate. The information in a WHOIS record includes:
  • Registration date
  • Name servers
  • DNS records
  • Domain expiration date
  • Registrar organization
  • Domain owner contact information


There are a few reasons why your domain may not be available: 

  • The domain you entered could already be taken.
  • It could be a premium domain.
  • It might contain too many characters.


We’re happy to transfer your domain for you! Here’s what we’ll need:

  • We use GoDaddy to purchase all domains. If you don’t already have a GoDaddy account, please go to and sign up. It’s free to join.
  • Send us your Customer Number and the email address you used to sign up. We won’t need your password to make the transfer.
  • Once the transfer is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation email from GoDaddy.


Please send us your GoDaddy account details. Just let us know you’d like to transfer your domain.

If you use another domain registrar, contact us. We can unlock the domain and send you the EPP\Transfer Code. You will need to initialize the transfer from that registrar. Since all domain providers do this differently, contact your domain provider for instructions.


You can connect your domain to your website directly through your DCC.
1. Login to your DCC account, the select the “Buy & Manage Domains” tile.
2. Click on “Get Started”
3. Select “Connect a Domain” from the two options.
4. Enter the domain name you want to connect to your website. The A-Records and CNAME Record required for your site are displayed.
5. Login to your domain registrar or provider, navigate to the domain manager and add\edit the A-Record and CNAME.
A Record
A Record
This will be different for each domain registrar.
The above step is intended for advanced users with experience managing DNS settings, zone files, and domain settings. Changing this incorrectly can stop your website and other domain services, such as email from functioning correctly.
After making changes to your domain settings you should allow between 24-48 hours for propagation.
To see information on changing your A-Records and CNAME records on Godaddy, click here, and here.
To see information on changing your A-Records and CNAME records on Network Solutions, click here.
6. Click on the “Refresh” button, if our platform detects the correct settings the “Done” button will activate.


Yes, you can update your payment method by going to the Domain Manager tile in your dashboard.
Select the domain, Billing, and then Payment Method.
The updated payment method will be used on your next domain renewal, which occurs annually.


All your purchased domains can be viewed by selecting the Domain Manager tile in your dashboard.

Select the Domains tab.


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that secures the connection between your browser and the website you’re visiting. All modern desktop and mobile browsers support (and often require) SSLs.
Websites using SSL will have URLs beginning with https:// and the secure site lock: 
Every domain purchase comes with a free SSL for your website.


Yes, you can control your DNS settings through your dashboard.

Any domain you purchase through us comes with a DNS zone editor where you can manage all your DNS records, including:
  • A-Records
  • AAAA Records
  • TXT (Text)
  • SRV
  • NS (Name Servers)


A domain name is the address of your website. It is the name that people type into the URL bar of their browser to find your website. Domain names can be purchased through a domain registrar or through your hosting provider.

An A record maps a domain name to the IP address (Version 4) of the computer hosting the domain. An A record is used to find the IP address of a computer connected to the internet from a name.


The A in A record stands for Address. Whenever you visit a website, send an email, connect to Twitter or Facebook, or do almost anything on the Internet, the address you enter is a series of words connected with dots.


CNAME records can be used to alias one name to another. CNAME stands for Canonical Name. A common example is when you have both and pointing to the same application and hosted by the same server. In this case, to avoid maintaining two different records, it’s common to create:


  1. An A record for pointing to the server IP address
  2. A CNAME record for pointing to


To add keywords to your website’s pages, select the SEO tile. 
Enter your page’s keywords in the keywords field. Each keyword needs to be separated by a comma.
Keywords tell search engines what your the pages on your website are all about. Search Engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo use these to index your website pages based on relevance to searches. We recommend adding no more than 7.
Be sure to use keywords that only relevant to each page.
Having a unique page description, may improve your overall search-ability.
You can also toggle (on and off) if an website or individual page is indexed on search engines.


Select the SEO tile to view your website’s SEO details.

Here you can add SEO titles, descriptions, and keywords to your pages. You can also make a page visible or hidden to search engines, and view your SEO completeness score. 


To view your SEO score, select the SEO tile.

How do I make my website’s pages visible/hidden to search engines?

View your score at the top right of your screen. This shows the completeness of all your website’s SEO details, like SEO titles, descriptions, keywords, etc.


To make a page visible/hidden to search engines, select the SEO tile. 

Toggle the Search Visibility button to “On” to make a page visible to search engines. To hide a page, toggle the button to “Off”.


To add page descriptions, select the SEO tile.
Enter your page description in the Description field. ​Page descriptions provide an explanation of what your page is about. Descriptions show up as subtext in search results and should stay under 160 characters. Try using the same keywords you use in your SEO titles.


With A/B testing in My Email Marketing Campaigns, you can test almost anything in your email and compare up to 10 versions simultaneously. 
Some common use cases are:
  •       Testing subject lines
  •       Testing CTA buttons
  •       Testing sender names
Once you decide what elements you want to test (subject line, sender name, images, buttons, etc.) and how many versions of the email you want to send, you are ready to launch the A/B test.
Set the testing criteria (open rate, click rate, etc.) and then each version is sent to a small but equal number of recipients from the same contact list.
  1. Our powerful analytics tool shows real data in intuitive graphs, telling the story of which version resonated best with your customers.
  2. You can then choose to send the winning version to the remaining recipients on that contact list, or have us do it for you automatically.
  3. With A/B testing, you benefit from very efficient email testing and together with other features (segmentation, campaign comparison, etc.), you will know how to design the most effective email.
To get started, log in to your dashboard and select the “My Email Marketing Campaigns” tile.
First, you will need to create different campaign versions.
You’ll complete the following to run your A/B test:
  1. Design your campaign
  2. Create one or more variations of that campaign
  3. Define the test criteria and recipient size
  4. Review the results
Step 1: Setup

The “Create a new campaign” page shows the different sections of your campaign that need to be completed.

  1. Campaign Name: This is an internal name for your campaign that only you see.
  2. Language: Set the language of your campaign.
  3. Subject: The subject of your campaign as it appears in your recipient’s inbox.
  4. From: Enter the name your recipients will see in the “from” field and the sending address.
  5. Contact List: Select your contact list. Create or apply a segmentation.
Click “Design email” to select your campaign template and design your different versions.
Step 2: Design

Customize your campaign by adding new elements with a quick drag-and-drop. Click in any section to edit it.

Once you’re done designing, you’ve created your campaign, also known as Version A.

To create a new version, select the drop-down list, and select ‘”Create a new version”.

Any time a new version is created, it is an exact copy of the previous version. If you were to create Version C, it would be an exact copy of Version B, and so on.
To change the subject and sender details for Version B, select the Edit icon.

To delete a version, simply select the drop-down list and select “Delete this version”.

(When you delete a version, any subsequent versions are renamed accordingly.)
Don’t make too many changes to a single version. Having too many variables will make it difficult to determine which variable made the most impact. Remember, you can create up to 10 versions of the same campaign.
Once you are ready to send your campaign, select “Review & Send”.
Step 3: Test Sample & Winner Criteria

Now that you’ve created your campaign versions, the next step is to set the test sample size and the criteria for selecting and sending the winning version.

The A/B Test Sample section will show the default configuration: 20% test sample size and the winning version is automatically sent.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the configuration.

Test Sample Size

Enter the percentage of contacts that will receive your campaign versions. The total percentage or number of contacts will be divided by the number of versions you have.

Note: If the number of campaign versions cannot evenly divide into the number of test contacts selected, the remainder will be added to the last version.
The statistics from this test will then be collected to determine the winning version.
Winner Selection

You can now select how the winning version will be sent: automatically or manually.

With Automatically mode, you select the criteria that will be used to determine the winning version at the end of the testing period (defined in the next step).
Once a winning version has been decided, we’ll automatically send it to the remainder of the contact list and you will be notified via an email message.
In the event of a tie, we will choose the winning campaign with the best global score and you will be notified via email.
With Manually mode, you will review the test results to select and send the winning version within 7 days of the initial sending.
Note: You must let the test run a minimum of 1 hour before reviewing any results, and the winning version needs to be sent within 7 days of the initial sending. (If after 7 days the winning version is not sent, you will receive notification that your campaign has been cancelled.)
Step 4: Schedule & Send

You can choose when to send your test sample by selecting “Schedule”.

If you selected Automatically Mode, you can schedule when the test sample and winning version will be sent.
Note: The A/B test needs to run a minimum of 1 hour before the winning version can be determined. If your test sample is large, you may wish to run the A/B test for a longer period before the winner is selected.
If you selected Manual Mode, you can schedule when the test sample will be sent and set a reminder to analyze the results.
Remember, the winning version needs to be manually sent within 7 days of the initial sending, otherwise the campaign will be cancelled.

Select “Send now” to send your A/B campaign.

Accessing Your A/B Campaign

Regardless whether your campaign is ongoing or completed, you can view it just like a regular campaign:

From your Campaigns page, select the A/B test tab, and then select your campaign title.

Here is an example of an ongoing A/B test in auto mode.
With an ongoing A/B Test in auto mode, you can:
  • Change from Automatic to Manual mode, and then you can decide the winning version.
  • Adjust the winning version criteria.
  • Change the date or time when the winning version will be sent.
  • Cancel the A/B test.
If no messages have been sent, your campaign will be saved as a draft that you can send at a later date. If messages have already been sent, your campaign will be saved as a normal campaign.
With an A/B in manual mode, you can select the winning version at any time: From the drop-down list, select the winning version and then select “Send This Version”.
The other options for an ongoing A/B in Manual mode are:
  • Change from Manual to Automatic mode. You will need to select the winning criteria and the date & time when the winning version will be sent.
  • Change the date or time of your reminder email.
  • Cancel the A/B test completely.
If no messages have been sent, your campaign will be saved as a draft that you can send at a later date. If messages have already been sent, your campaign will be saved as a normal campaign.
View Completed A/B Test in Manual or Auto Mode

Once the A/B test has been completed, you will be able to view powerful data to see what your customers liked about your different versions.

The graph displays the selected metric, and the chart shows the statuses for each version.

  1. Change the display unit, time range, and chart type.
  2. Select the desired metric to be displayed in the graph. If you hover over the graph, a pop-up will show the KPIs for each campaign.
  3. Toggle the campaign display on the graph by clicking on the name.
  4. Compare various campaigns and benchmarks.
You are now ready to test and optimize your campaigns!


You can auto populate your contacts directly from a form you create in our website editor.
If you have not created a contact form using our website editor, click here for more information on creating a custom form.
Log in to your dashboard and select the “Manage Your Site” tile.
Navigate to your contact form.
We will be adding “Parameter-IDs” to the fields so that the data is mapped to the correct columns in the contact list. 
Select the field you are updating, and then select the cog to access the settings.
You will need to update each field you are passing to the contact list.
Select Advanced Settings.
The following Parameter IDs can be passed to the contact list for your email marketing campaign:
The below Parameter IDs are case sensitive.
  1. email – This is for the Email field to be submitted to a contact group.
  2. firstName  – This is for the First Name to be submitted to a contact group.
  3. lastName   – This is for the Last Name to be submitted to a contact group.
  4. listName   – This is the custom list name or contact group; if it does not exist, it will automatically create it.
Finally, add the webhook, which passes the data to your email marketing contact list.
Hover over the Submit button, select the cog icon to access the settings, and then scroll down to access the Advanced Settings.
Use the webhook URL below to push data to your email marketing platform.{UNIQUE PROJECT-ID}/contact
The unique project ID can be found in the URL for each project in the website editor:
Select Publish to save your changes.
Now when someone fills out your contact form, their contact information will be added to the contact list in your email marketing tool.
If you added a unique list name, the contact information will automatically be added to that unique list in your email marketing tool.


You can create a workflow that allows you to create triggers and rules to send your emails.

Email automation allows you to set up a series of automated emails (called a workflow) to be sent to your contacts when certain criteria is met.

A workflow can be triggered by an event or action and is based on one of these scenarios:

  • Welcome / Onboarding
  • Date Based Workflow
  • Contact Property Update
  • Anniversary / Birthday 

To create a workflow, you simply select a scenario, create one or more emails, and define the sending criteria. Our Email Marketing tool will then automatically send the emails to your customers who triggered the workflow.

Log in to your dashboard and select the “My Email Campaigns” tile.


Or if you are already logged in to your dashboard, select the Email Campaigns icon along the top navigation.


Select the “Automation” tab, and then select “My Workflows” and “Create workflow” to get started.


Next, you will be prompted to select an automation scenario.


Creating a workflow can feel overwhelming at first since there are many decisions to make. To help jumpstart your workflow, we’ve created a number of scenarios with predefined events. This article will walk you through creating the most common workflow (an Automated Welcome Email), but other scenarios are configured similarly.

  • Welcome / Onboarding
    Reach out and welcome new customers who join your contact list with one or more personalized emails.

Select the “Welcome” tile.


Fill out the “Basic Information”, and then select “Save and Continue”.


Next, start building your workflow email. Select the “Add an Email” button.


Confirm the parameters for this workflow.


Select from one of your own templates or you can use one from our gallery.


Edit your workflow, and then select “Save & Add to workflow”.


You have the option to add another email to your workflow. If you’re ready to move on, select “Save and Continue”.


You can now review and activate your workflow. You can also save this workflow and activate it later.


Your new workflow will appear in your list of workflows.


Yes! You have the option of adding and validating an entire domain. This option is only recommended if you have many sender addresses to add from one domain and you want to save time by not manually validating each one.

Log in to your Digital Ecosystem and select the “My Email Marketing Campaigns” tile.


Go to the settings tab, and then click on “Change Sender Address”, from the pop up click on “+Add a New Domain”.


Type in the domain you want to use, hit enter. Then you will be prompted to add some records in to your domains’ DNS settings.


Once you have entered the setting correctly, hit the Refresh button, and the status for the records should turn green. Then click Done.


Your new domain name will appear as an option when creating a new sender email address.


You can add multiple sender email addresses (or “From” email addresses). To view and add a sender email address:

Log in to your dashboard and select the My Email Campaigns tile.
Or if you are already logged in to your dashboard, select the Email Campaigns icon along the top navigation.
Select the Settings tab.
Select the “Add New From Email Address” button and add the requested information to start creating a new Sender Email address.
You can also access this feature from the “Campaigns” tab. Select “My Campaigns”, and then select “Add New From Email Address”.
  1. Sender Name: Display name that will appear in the email header.
  2. Email: This is the email address or alias you want, such as info, no-reply, or hello.
  3. Domain Name: This is the domain that appears after the “@” symbol.
Although you can have multiple domains configured, we recommend that you only use one so that emails from your business are easily recognizable.
Select “Add Email” to finish creating your new email.
Your new email address is now ready to be used in a campaign.


To create an email campaign, log in to your dashboard and select the “My Email Campaigns” tile.

If you are already logged in to your dashboard, select the Email Campaigns icon along the top navigation.


To send a campaign, you need to have a sender address and contact list ready:
  • Sender Address:
    Your login address is your default sender, but you can set up additional addresses and even validate a domain. Remember, you can only use addresses you own or manage.
  • Contact List:
    By default, you have one existing contact list (“MyFirstTest”) which contains your email address. You can create an unlimited number of contact lists with our Email Marketing tool. You can even personalize your campaigns by adding contact properties (name, age, etc.) to your contact lists. 

Select the “Campaigns” tab. Select “My Campaigns”, and then select “New campaign”.

The “Create a new campaign” page shows the different sections of your campaign that need to be completed:

  • Campaign Name: This is an internal name for your campaign that only you see
  • Language: Set the language for your campaign
  • Subject: The subject of your campaign as it appears in your recipient’s inbox
  • From: Enter the name your recipients will see in the ‘from’ field and the sending address
  • Content: Design your content with our responsive email editor
  • Contact List: Select your contact list

As you complete each section, the corresponding checkmark will become green.

Once basic information is added, such as “Subject” and “From”, you can start designing the body of your email.



 Now the fun part: designing your campaign with our email editor. Simply drag and drop content blocks into your campaign, and then select a section to customize it.


 You can preview your campaign on different devices and send a test campaign to view how it will look.

Once you have completed your campaign design, select “Review & Send”.


On the “Create a new campaign” page, you can review your sections and make any necessary changes.

Select your contact list.

Once all sections are completed, you can schedule your campaign up to 60 days in advance or send it immediately.


 Congratulations on creating and sending your first campaign!

You can view your scheduled campaigns along with some stats by selecting the “Scheduled” or “Sent” tab.


You can add contacts to a new or existing contact list by uploading a CSV, TXT, or RTF file, or by pasting the information into the form provided.
Log in to your dashboard and select the “My Email Campaigns” tile.
If you are already logged in to your dashboard, select the Email Campaigns icon along the top navigation.
To create a new contact list, select “Contacts”, and then select “Create a contact list”.
Enter a contact list name.
You can upload your contacts in a file (CSV, TXT, or RTF).
If you select “Insert Manually”, you can copy and paste the contacts.
Next, map the contact to a field name, such as Email, FirstName, LastName, etc.
You can also create custom field properties such as Business Name and Birthday.
Lastly, you must certify that you obtained your email list legitimately and are only sending legal and legitimate information.
Select “Create List”.
Next, you can create a new campaign or go back to your list page.


Our Email Marketing tool allows you to create and manage email campaigns directly from your dashboard.


Comparative List of Features (All Plans)



Follow these steps to sync with your personal or business calendar.
Once you sync your calendar (iCloud, Google Cal, Outlook, etc.), all of your appointments will block times in our calendar to prevent double booking.
If you elect to 2-way sync (recommended) your appointments in our calendar will also sync back to your personal calendar.
Once the sync is complete, you can use your personal calendar as your primary means of looking up events rather than having to log in to our platform.
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Select Users from the menu to the left.
  4. Select the pencil icon next to the user you want to connect.
  5. From the pop up, choose the Calendar tab.
  6. Click to connect to your preferred calendar.
  7. You will be asked to authenticate your account.
  8. Once you are connected, you can choose which calendars to 1-way sync, which to 2-way sync, and which to ignore.
If you are using iCloud, you will have to create an app-specific password first.
Our recommendation is to 2-way sync with your main calendar, then 1-way sync from your calendar to our calendar for any of the calendars that you want to block time.
The 2-way calendar sync is included in our Pro and Pro+ plans and not available on our Free plan.
 See this video for a quick demo:


Follow these steps to update your business hours.
  1. Select the gear icon.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Choose Users from the menu to the left.
  4. Select the pencil icon next to the user’s name.
  5. Select Availability.
  6. Set the hours/availability for that user.
  7. Repeat for other users.
  8. The business hours will now show the combined hours (earliest start time and latest end time) for all users in your account.


There are a few ways to block time in your calendar and prevent customers from booking during a specific time or a recurring time.
Manually Block Time on Your Calendar
  1. Go to your calendar page.
  2. Click anywhere on the calendar (preferably on the day/time you want to block).
  3. A pop-up will appear (same one as when you are booking an appointment).
  4. From the drop down at the top left, choose “Block Schedule”.
  5. If you want to block the whole day, select the all day toggle.
  6. You can make this recurring by selecting the recurring option, and then choosing your settings.
Block Time on the Calendar By Syncing (Recommended)
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen, select Settings, and then select User settings. 
  2. Select the pencil icon to edit that user.
  3. Select the calendar tab.
  4. Select “Connect” to sync with the calendar of your choice.
  5. Select settings (while still in the calendar tab).
  6. Choose which calendars in your personal calendar you want to connect.
  7. Ideally, you will 2-way sync with one calendar (appointments come to and from that calendar) and then 1-way sync with other calendars that you want to block times in your calendar.
  8. Select “Save”.
With the 2-way sync, any time an appointment is created/edited/deleted in your personal calendar, it will show up in our calendar and block that time from being booked. We will also send any appointment booked in our system to your personal calendar.
Any calendars that you have a “1-way” sync with will block time in your calendar to prevent double bookings.
Choose User Availability
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen, and then select Settings.
  2. Select User settings, and then select the pencil icon to edit that user.
  3. Select Availability.
  4. Confirm available hours.
Add Breaks in the Day:
The next tab over from “Availability” is “Breaks”. You can add a work break(s), lunch break, etc. These times will not be able to be booked by your customer. You can add several throughout the day or one here or there.
Add Vacation:
The next tab over from “Breaks” is “Vacation”. You can block days, weeks, or months. Say you only wanted to be able to be booked from January 20-30. You could add a vacation from now until Jan 19, and then another on Jan 31 through the next year. Then your customers could only book those dates. 


If you want an appointment type to start at a specific time or times, follow these steps:
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen, and then select “Settings”.
  2. Select “Appointment Types” from the menu to the left.
  3. Select the pencil icon to the right of the appointment type you want to edit.
  4. Select “Appointment Start Time” from the top of the pop up.
  5. Choose your first start time (example, 9am), and then choose the days you want that 9am slot to be available.
  6. If you want to create another start time, you can select “Add an Appointment Start time”.
  7. If a customer chooses this appointment time, they will only be able to pick those available times. If you have other appointments on your schedule at these times, these “manual start times” will not appear.
Coffee meetings are only available at 10am and 2pm daily.
Lunch meetings are only available at 12pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
New client meetings are only available on Wednesday and Thursday at 4, 5, and 6pm.
See video example:


You can use our booking platform as an individual or team.
To add a new user, follow these instructions:
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen.
  2. Select Users to the left.
  3. Select Add user.
  4. Once you create a user, that user will receive an email with login instructions and will be able to sync to their personal calendar.
If you have a large team, you can send the team list to us and we will upload it for you. You can include their name, email, cell phone number, and work hours, and we will create the users.
User Types:
We have three user types that can be created with different permissions.
  1. Admin – The admin is the primary user on the account. The admin has full access to all account settings, user settings, and schedules for all users.
  2. Team Leader/Manager – This role has permission to see their own “user settings” along with the “user settings” for every user assigned to them. The Team Leader also has access to view/edit their own appointments/calendar as well as the appointments/calendars of the users who are assigned to them.
  3. Users – Users have access to their own user settings and calendar. They can change their availability and sync to their own personal calendar, but will not have access to view a Team Leader or Admin calendar. 


You can share a link with a customer and allow them to see the availability for 2+ users at a time and book those users. To do this, follow the steps below.
Use Cases
An HR Team is sharing a link to book one candidate with an HR manager and a sales manager. The HR manager shares one link with the candidate. The candidate will see the combined availability for both users (SM and HRM), and book an appointment that will book both users.
An admin sends an email to high net-worth clients to book an appointment with a junior advisor and senior advisor. When the client receives a link, they will see only the times that are available for both the JA and SA, and pick a time. Once the client books, the appointment will be booked on both the JA and SA calendars.
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen.
  2. Select 2+ user appointments from the menu to the left.
  3. Select “+ New Team Appointment Type”.
  4. Add the Name of the appointment and add a description (both included in email confirmations, etc.).
  5. Add a duration and buffer time.
  6. Choose which users will be in the meeting.
  7. Click to add an appointment now or later.
  8. If you choose later, you can click to “Invite”. An email will pop up that you can use to send the customer.
  9. Alternatively, you can copy the link and paste it in your own email, website, etc.
  10. Once the customer receives and selects the link, they will see a calendar that displays the combined availability for all users assigned.
If user one was available at 9, 10, and 11, and user two was available at 10, 12, and 2, the customer would only see a 10 slot available.
Once the customer books the 10 slot, both user calendars will be booked. The appointment will be blocked in our system, it will sync to the users’ personal calendars, and all emails/reminders will be sent accordingly.


At booking, you can ask your customer as many questions as you wish.
Our standard questions ask for the following:
Name, Email, Phone, Address, City, State, Zip
To customize your questions, follow these steps below.
General Questions, Asked on all Appointment Types (Free, Pro, and Pro+)
  1. Select the gear icon at the top right of your screen, and then select settings.
  2. Select the top middle tab: “Booking Page Settings”.
  3. Scroll down to the list of questions.
  4. You can hide any field by selecting it. It will be greyed out and not appear to your customers.
  5. You can delete a field by selecting the trash icon.
  6. To add a new question, select “Add New Question”.
  7. Choose if it is required or not, and then select Update Info.

Watch this video to see these steps in action:
Appointment Type, Specific Question (Pro+ feature)
If you want to ask a specific set of questions for an appointment type, follow these instructions:
Note, all appointment types will still have the general questions above, plus the appointment type-specific questions.
  1. At the top right of your screen, select settings.
  2. Select Appointment types from the menu to the left.
  3. Select the pencil to edit on the right side of the appointment type.
  4. A modal will appear. Scroll down and select “Add Custom Field”.
  5. Add the fields you would like, and then select “Update Appointment Types”.
  6. These questions will now appear only on that specific appointment type.


Follow the instructions below to embed your calendar on your site using an iFrame. 
  1. Select the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen, and then select Settings.
  2. Select Integrations from the menu to the left.
  3. From the top tabs, select Iframe.
  4. Copy this code and paste it as an HTML element on your website.
Here’s a video that walks you through each step:


Adding a button to your website is a simple way to add booking functionality in various places.
Copy and paste our code to include a pop-up scheduling widget on any page.
Follow the steps in the video or read the directions below to build your button and embed it on your website.
  1. Select the icon at the top right of your screen, and then select Settings.
  2. On the menu to the left, select Integrations.
  3. The first page that opens is labeled “Website”.
  4. On this page, you can scroll down and build your own button.
  5. Choose a button background color.
  6. Choose a text color.
  7. Choose a border color.
  8. Choose the text you want to appear on the button (ex: Book an Appointment).
  9. Choose a border radius and font size.
  10. If you want the button to book only one staff member, choose the staff from the drop-down menu.
  11. If you want the button to only book one appointment type, choose the appointment type in the background.
  12. Choose a language.
  13. Scroll down and you will see the HTML code.
  14. Copy the HTML code to your clipboard. 
  15. Open the project you want to add the booking button to.
  16. Go to the page where you want to add the button and click to edit that page.
  17. Add a HTML element to the page, or edit from the text editor.
  18. Once you place the HTML element where you want the button to appear, open the HTML element and paste the code from step 14.
  19. Once it’s pasted, your website will now have a button that will show a pop-up with the scheduling widget once clicked.
  20. You can install these buttons several places on one page (call to action on main page), and/or use different buttons with different calls to actions on different pages on your site. You may want to add a contact button for individual staff on their bio page, or a support call button on the support page. Add as many buttons as you want.
  21. If you support different languages, you can include different buttons in different languages throughout your site.



Selling on Facebook allows you can automatically upload and sync your store product catalog to the mobile-friendly Shop section on your Facebook business page. The Facebook Shop can be viewed on a desktop, mobile as well as the Facebook app. All products or orders are managed from your store admin area or the mobile apps for iOS or Android. With Facebook shop installed you can further drive sales with dynamic advertising, remarketing or use shoppable posts on Instagram.
First you will need to Connect your store to Facebook
To start selling your products on Facebook, you need to meet a few requirements:

After confirming these steps, connect your store to Facebook.

If you already have an active Shop section on your Facebook page, the existing products will be overridden.
To connect your store to Facebook via desktop:
  1. From your store admin account, go to “Ominchannel“, then “Sell on Facebook“. 
  2. You will need to provide the account credentials and login via the next screen.
  3. Select the Facebook business page where you wish to sell your products and click Save.
  4. Accept Facebook Merchant Commerce Terms.
You can only connect your store to one Facebook business page. Multiple store accounts require independent Facebook pages and vice versa –– you need a separate store account for each Facebook page.
To connect your store to Facebook via iOS app:
  1. In the app, go to Store and click Facebook Shop under Sales Channels.
  2. Click Connect Facebook page.
  3. Select the Facebook business page where you wish to sell your products and click Save.
  4. Accept Facebook Merchant Commerce Terms.
You can only connect your store to one Facebook business page. Multiple store accounts require independent Facebook pages and vice versa –– you need a separate store account for each Facebook page.
To connect your store to Facebook via Android app:
  1. In the app, go to Store and click Facebook Shop under Sales Channels.
  2. Click Connect Facebook page.
  3. Select the Facebook business page where you wish to sell your products and click Save.
  4. Accept Facebook Merchant Commerce Terms.
You can only connect your store to one Facebook business page. Multiple store accounts require independent Facebook pages and vice versa –– you need a separate store account for each Facebook page.

Your store will then sync all enabled products to a new Facebook Shop Tab. Once products are uploaded, you need to wait for Facebook to review your store before you can start selling and advertising. Check out the review status under the Pending review tab. Although you might see your products appear on the Shop section before Facebook has verified your information, customers will not be able to see your products until the setup process is complete.

If your store is rejected:
Syncing and updating products:
Once you have uploaded your products to your Facebook business page, your catalog will automatically sync every 12 hours to ensure that your pricing and inventory are always up-to-date.
When you make any changes to product details in your store catalog (e.g. edit product’s image, title, or price), those products are automatically updated on your Facebook page after the next synchronization.
If you need to update your products immediately, you can manually re-sync them by clicking Sync Products on the Facebook page from your store admin.
Listing products and collections on Facebook:
Product listings on Facebook have certain peculiarities. Here is how it works with your store:
  1. Products marked as “enabled” in your store will automatically show up in your Facebook Shop page.
  2. Products marked as “enabled” that are assigned to a disabled category will not be sent to your Facebook Shop.
  3. Products marked as “disabled” will not be sent to Facebook.
  4. Products marked as “enabled” that are featured on the Store Front page will be uploaded to the Featured products section on Facebook.
Facebook allows up to 20 images per product, so your store uploads the first 20 images from the item’s gallery.
  1. Products on Facebook Shop are organized into collections, which are similar to your store categories. Collections are top-level only. Products from your sub/child categories will be grouped under the top-level collection in your Facebook Shop.
  2. A collection is automatically created for each of your top-level categories when you connect your store.
  3. New custom collections cannot be created, and existing collections cannot be edited on Facebook.
  4. To hide/show a collection or sort the products within it, enable/disable the store category or sort the products within the category.
You can use the catalog from your Facebook Shop to set up targeted ads within Facebook. Refer to Facebook Ads for more information and setup instructions.
Deactivating products in a Facebook catalog:
If you do not want to sell some products from your online store on Facebook, you can manually hide them in Facebook catalog settings.

To deactivate a product in a Facebook catalog:

  1. Go to Facebook Catalogue Manager.
  2. Select your catalog.
  3. In the menu on the left, click Products.
  4. Tick products you want to hide from your catalog on Facebook and click Deactivate Delivery:
  1. Review the list of selected items and click Deactivate Delivery to confirm the action.
Products that you deactivate delivery for will be hidden from your Facebook catalog. They will still remain available in your online store.
The Facebook shop checkout process:
When a customer wants to purchase something in your Facebook shop, they are taken to the online store on your website for checkout. Facebook shops do not have a shopping cart, so customers can only buy one product at a time.
Customers automatically receive confirmation emails about their orders from your store. You will see the orders in your store admin, go to My sales → Orders and in your mobile app for iOS or Android.
Processing orders from Facebook:
Orders generated from Facebook are available in your store admin, go to My sales → Orders or in the mobile app for iOS or Android along with your regular sales. Facebook orders do not have any labels that indicate their reference source.
When someone places a new order in your Facebook shop, you will get an email or a push-notification in mobile apps for iOS or Android.
Disconnecting or hiding Facebook shop:
If you want to stop selling on Facebook, you can disconnect your store and remove the Shop tab from your Facebook business page.

To hide the Shop tab on your Facebook business page:

  1. Go to Settings → Templates and Tabs.
  2. Click Settings next to the Shop tab.
  3. Switch off the toggle:

To completely remove the Shop you need to disconnect it from your store admin.
To disconnect your store from the Facebook shop via desktop:
  1. From your store admin, go to Facebook.
  2. Click on the Status drop-down and choose Disconnect.
To disconnect your store from the Facebook shop via iOS app:
  1. From the app, go to Store → Facebook Shop.
  2. Click on the Status drop-down and choose Disconnect.
To disconnect your store from the Facebook shop via Android app:
  1. From the app, go to Store → Facebook Shop.
  2. Click on the Status drop-down and choose Disconnect.
Disconnecting your Facebook account from your store will clear your Facebook shop settings and remove your catalog. Any product you create in your store will no longer sync with your Facebook catalog. You can always reconnect this sales channel in the future.
If you track Facebook Pixel data or have Instagram product tagging associated with your catalog, disconnecting/reconnecting the Facebook shop may cause the loss of that data.
Troubleshooting Tips:
Why do I see a lot of duplicate products on my Facebook Shop?
Most likely, your products have variations with unique SKUs that Facebook treats as individual items.
Only store admins can see these duplicated products. If you browse your Facebook Shop in an incognito mode, products will show up in a standard way – with options.
To solve this issue, try re-syncing your store catalog with Facebook.
Why some of my product categories are missing in Facebook Shop?
Enabled products that are assigned to the subcategory of the second level (including its subcategories) will be grouped into a separate collection on Facebook.
For example, you have two subcategories of the second level (Kids T-shirts and Adult T-shirts) that belong to the root category called T-shirts. You will have two collections in your Facebook Shop – T-shirts / Kids T-shirts and T-shirts / Adult T-shirts.
In case the Kids T-shirts subcategory has child subcategories (e.g., different designs or styles), the products from the child subcategories will be grouped under the same collection T-shirts / Kids T-shirts on Facebook.
Why some of my products in Facebook Shop do not have options?
Product variations (e.g., size and color variants) will be uploaded to the Facebook Shop with corresponding selections. Products that have a variation that reads “any choice” will be uploaded without variations.
You can manage the product variations in your store admin, go to Catalog → Products. Open the product in editing mode and switch to the Options tab.
Can shoppers on Facebook checkout with multiple products?
No. Facebook shop does not have a shopping cart to hold multiple products. However, the quantity of a single product can be adjusted.
Do hidden categories/products in hidden categories export/sync?
No. Products that are in hidden categories, and the hidden categories themselves will not export/sync.
Can I tag my Facebook Shop products in my Instagram photos?
Yes. See Sell on Instagram for more information.
Facebook has rejected my products. What should I do?
All accounts, pages, and products associated with the Facebook sales channel are subject to approval by Facebook. Please refer to Facebook Guidelines for listing products to make sure that your items comply with them. If Facebook rejects a product by mistake, you can appeal this decision.
How do I move the Shop tab on my Facebook page?
To rearrange the Shop tab in the Facebook menu:
  1. On your Facebook business page.
  2. Go to Settings → Edit page located at the top right corner.
  3. Drag-and-drop the Shop tab where you prefer on the list of other tabs.
How can I display the Shop on the Home tab of my Facebook page?
Displaying the Shop section on the Home tab page is controlled algorithmically by Facebook. Users can not control this. You as an admin may see Shop section shown on the Home tab, however, your page visitors cannot see it there.
The Shop section may be displayed on the Home tab of the pages that do not have any other activity in terms of media or posts.
Automated Google Smart Shopping campaigns
To easily set up Google’s most up-to-date advertising features for e-commerce store owners – Smart Shopping campaigns and Free product listings – you can use integration between your store and Google.
During the fast setup, you can either just place Free product listings on different Google surfaces or add a paid Google Smart Shopping campaign to supplement them. This last option will help you get the most exposure for your products and sell more.
What are the differences between Free listings and Smart Google ads
Both kinds of ads can be automatically created from your store’s product feed in Google Merchant Center, and both feature products from your store – but they appear in different advertising spaces. To reach a wider audience, you can augment Free listings with the paid Google Smart Shopping ads
Free Listings
With the Free listings your products appear during relevant searches in unpaid listings on Google surfaces. These surfaces include Google Shopping tabGoogle Search, and Google Images (as well as Google Maps and Google Lens). Note that your products should meet the Google Free Listing Policies for your ads to get successfully approved by Google after the ads setup.
For example, that’s how Free listings might look on the Google Images tab:
Paid Ads
Google Smart Shopping ads are a complex advertising campaign that uses machine learning. It includes Product Shopping ads, Local Inventory ads (available for a limited list of countries), and display ads.
The Google Smart Shopping service automates your bids and ad placements by using machine learning. It figures out the best time and place to show ads to your potential and existing customers. Note that your store should meet the Google Shopping Policies so that the ads are successfully approved by Google after the setup.
Google Smart Shopping ads appear in front of potential and existing customers during relevant searches in Google Search Network (including Google Search, Google Images, and Google Shopping tab), on Youtube, and in Gmail. They also appear in the Display Network, which is a collection of websites — e.g., Blogger and other Google sites — that show ads. Your products will be labeled as “Sponsored”, ”Ads” or ”Ads by Google”.
For example, here you can see Shopping ads at the top of the Google Search tab:
There are 3 different packages available: $150, $300, and $500, – depending on how much you want to spend on your Smart Shopping campaign.
What is Google Merchant Center
Google Merchant Center is an online platform by Google. It is used to upload and manage information about your products and your store so that this information can be distributed and synced across Google surfaces. To run any sort of Shopping campaign or to participate in Free listings you need an account in Google Merchant Center.
Once you are using the integration between your store and Google, you have the Google Merchant Center account created and filled automatically (as well as the Google Ads account that is also necessary for running a campaign). You can link an existing account to your campaign within the first hour after purchasing it.
Before creating a Google Shopping campaign
If you are using the integration between your store and Google, all the advertisements are created based on your catalog and on your product pages. After you create the campaign, it still has to be approved by Google, so the information on your store website means a lot.
Before you start advertising with Google Shopping ads, make sure to:
  • Set up shipping and tax settings in the store’s admin. This is required for the Google Merchant Center.
  • Show the information about payment options in your storefront. For example, you can add the logos of the credit cards you accept to the description of your store front page or add it to your site footer using CSS.
  • Optimize your catalog. Google Shopping campaigns use your product feed to generate ads — they borrow images and pieces of descriptions from your catalog. For your ads to be a success, you can:
    • Categorize products wisely in your store so that they sit in the right categories and subcategories;
    • Optimize your product titles and descriptions for relevance by including high-value keywords into them;
    • Use product images of high quality and free of watermarks in your store (it’s better if they are on white background).
It’s also recommended to have some organic sales before you start advertising so that you can be sure that everything is up and running.
You don’t have to control your stock: daily feed updates do that for you. If you run out of a product, the ads for it will automatically stop.
Setting up Google Shopping ads
  1. Log into your DCC account, and select the E-Commerce tile.
  2. Click on the OMINICHANNEL tab, then select SELL ON GOOGLE.
3. Pick a country (you can only select one country per campaign) and a language (your ads will be shown to people who have selected this language in their browser settings):
  1. Click Continue to Categories. Pick the right Google category for your store to make sure your ad shows up in the right search results and select the condition of your products (New, Refurbished or Used). Example:
  1. Click Continue.
  2. Choose what products you want to advertise. If you don’t use categories in your store, all products will be automatically selected for ads. If you want to advertise specific products only, put them in categories in your store first and then select these categories for the campaign:
  1. Click Continue to Store Review.
  2. If any errors are indicated, click View Details and follow the instructions on how to fix them, then click the I fixed this, Refresh my store button.
  3. Click Continue to Preview to see how the ads will look like. Example:
  1. Click Get my store on Google Shopping.
  2. Select the preferred package to launch your low-effort Google Shopping campaign.
  3. That’s it. Your ads have been created.
If you already have an account in Google Merchant Center, you can link it to your campaign in Stats → Shopping Campaign Status, but only within the first hour after purchasing the campaign. After the hour passes, a new merchant account will be automatically created in order to finish the process of launching the campaign. Later you can always add yourself as an admin user to this newly created merchant account through the Advanced Options under the Edit Active Campaign page.
It usually takes between 3-5 days for the ads to go through Google’s approval process, after that they will show in relevant searches to shoppers browsing on Google.
Managing Google Shopping ads campaigns
As you find the advertising tactics that work best for your online store, you will very likely choose to adjust campaign settings in Google Shopping Ads. Switch the target audience, change the marketing category, or pick different products for serving your ads under the Manage tab in the OMNICHANNEL – SELL ON GOOGLE→ Google Shopping → Manage section in your store’s admin.
To monitor the performance of your ads, click the Stats tab. Here you will see the number of views, cost per click, total revenue, and other vital statistics to help analyze your campaigns. This quantitative evidence will help you make informed adjustments when updating your campaign.
You may need to wait a couple of weeks before you start evaluating the Smart Shopping campaign performance. As Google Smart Shopping uses machine learning, it takes time for it to optimize your campaign for your specific budget, products, and audience.
Free Listings in the Google Shopping tab is a rather new Google offering, so currently there is limited performance reporting available for free ads.
Note: Once you have created your first Google Shopping campaign, you may see a menu at the top of the setup page:
Using the Google Ads tab you could set up the same Google Shopping campaigns, but they will not contain the Free listings and can be targeted at Country, Region, and City level. This tab is currently used mainly by users who have their old campaigns running and will be reorganized soon.
Why can’t I find my Shopping Ads in Google?
It’s quite natural to search Google for your products after launching a Shopping Ads campaign. The breadth of your search depends on the level of detail in your product description and attributes in your store. Generally, we do not recommend searching for your own ads because:
  • it does not reflect the true position of your ad,
  • each visitor will have a different result,
  • it can negatively affect your campaign by generating impressions without clicks (this lowers your click-through rate),
  • there are many common reasons why you may not see your ad, even though your stats are accruing.
The best way to confirm your ads are running effectively is to look for your ad with Google’s Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool. In addition we recommend:
  • checking your Conversion tracking in Adwords account → Tools → Conversions,
  • analyzing your Search term reports to ensure your bids are high enough to generate the correct search terms,
  • making sure product titles accurately describe your product and search terms are included in the title and description.


Please see the following comparison table on our e-commerce offering:
Update specific store settings here.
  1. General
    1. Store Profile
    2. Format & Units
    3. Languages
    4. Cart
    5. Legal Pages
    6. Tracking & Analytics
  2. Destination Zones
  3. Shipping & Pick Up
  4. Taxes
  5. Payment
  6. Mail
  7. Invoices
The general section is where you can add basic business information. If available, these fields will be pre-populated.
  1. Store Name
  2. Store Location
  3. Time Zone
  4. Company Name
  5. Company Email
  6. Address
  7. Address Line 2
  8. City
  9. State
  10. Country
  11. Phone


You can specify which property types you want included as search options, the names for those property types, and the default price ranges.
The customized property type name is displayed on your search page, but does not actually change the property type information displayed on individual listings.
You can access these settings by logging in to your IDX client control panel, select the setup tab > select search settings (left hand navigation) > Property Types > Prices
Property Types in Our IDX Search Menus
House – A single-family property for sale (detached, townhouse, or rowhouse). Advanced search options can often provide separate results for attached and detached subtypes.
Condo – A single-family unit (usually attached) for sale in the same building or complex as other single-family units. Unlike multi-unit residential listings, a condo listing is for one unit, not the whole complex or building. This category might also include co-ops in some areas. Advanced search options can often provide separate results for condos (where a single unit is for sale) and co-ops (where a share of an overall building, plus the right to occupy one unit, is for sale).
House / Condo – Combined search in our IDX system for both house and condo property types.
Lots / Land – Vacant land (without buildings).
Multi-Unit Residential – A complex or building consisting of multiple single-family units. Unlike condo listings, multi-unit residential listings are for the entire complex or building, not just one unit. This category might also be referred to as residential income.
Mobile Home – A single-family unit that was built off-site and transported to its current location. The listing might include the mobile home unit and the land, or just the unit.
Rental – A single-family residential unit (house or condo) available for rent or lease, not for sale.
Commercial – A non-residential listing (such as office, restaurant, retail, warehouse, and industrial) for sale or lease – either attached or detached.
Business income – A subtype of commercial listings that includes the assets of the business in addition to the property or space.
Property Sub-Types (Provided in Advanced Search Menus for Some Boards)
Co-op – A unit in a multi-unit similar property (like a condo), but where the occupants collectively own the building (not just one unit), with each owner granted the right to occupy one particular unit.
Condop – A portion of a multi-unit building used as a co-op, with the co-op portion containing individual residential units, and the listing in IDX being one of those individual units. While a condo listing is ownership of one unit in a multi-unit building, and a co-op listing is the right to occupy one unit in a multi-unit building as a shared owner of that building, a condop listing is one unit in one part of a larger building that is used as a co-op. Often, the condop’s building contains commercial or non-residential spaces that are separately owned from the co-op portion of the building.
Townhouse Condo – An attached townhouse with ownership of only the interior unit (the HOA normally owns the exterior and the land for the unit).
Townhouse Fee Simple – An attached townhouse with ownership of the interior, exterior, and the land.
(Hawaii) Fee Simple – A Hawaii listing including ownership of the land for the property.
(Hawaii) Leasehold – A Hawaii listing with the right to occupy the land for a specified period of time.
The info above is for general reference, and is not real estate or legal advice. It is not guaranteed accurate in all cases, and might not be applicable to individual properties. You should investigate the facts for any particular listing as appropriate.
At this time, our IDX tools provide advanced search options for house and condo property types. We also provide property subtype advanced search options for houses and condos when available in the IDX data for a board. Basic and polygon search is available for all property types. Advanced search for property types other than houses and condos is not part of our IDX product.
You can change your visitor registration settings by modifying Lead Capture Strength and User Registration.
To access these settings, log in to your IDX client control panel, select the setup tab > Lead Capture (left hand navigation) > User Registration

Collecting and nurturing leads is vital to getting the most out of your IDX. There are many built-in features in your account that require users to register and these are enabled by default. Additionally, you can optionally prompt users to register throughout their search experience using different actions on your site as trigger points.

Lead Capture Strength

To access your Lead Capture Settings, log in to your IDX control panel and navigate to Setup > Lead Capture > User Registration. The options in the section titled “Lead Capture Strength” allow you to decide on the level user convenience vs. quality of information when prompting your users to register.

  • Off
    Users can manually sign-up for Email Updates and the Property Organizer.
  • Ultra-Light (One Prompt)
    Users can dismiss the registration prompt and continue searching and property viewing. The user will not be prompted again.
  • Ultra-Light (Multi-Prompt)
    Users can dismiss the registration prompt and continue searching and property viewing. If dismissed, the user will be prompted again when the next trigger point is reached (see trigger points).
  • Light
    Users must register when prompted, however, the email is not verified. After registering, the user can continue searching and property viewing.
  • Heavy
    Users must register when prompted and an email is sent requesting activation. Once the account is activated, the user can continue searching and property viewing. This method ensures that the user has provided a valid email address.
Trigger Points

You can set registration prompts to occur when using the search form, viewing results, and viewing property details.

When visiting one of these pages, a prompt can be triggered immediately or after visiting the page a number of times. For example, the user can be prompted to register after viewing a property once, twice, three times, etc.

You can also use the fields below to configure the text used on the registration form. If left blank, default text will be used. Name and Email will be included and required on the form. If you would also like to include and require phone number, enable the “Require Phone Number on Sign-Up Forms” option on the General Settings page.


In your CRM, you can track your leads’ stage in the business development pipeline and gauge the health of your sales funnel.

You can access your CRM by logging in to your IDX.
Once you log in, select the CRM tab and the dashboard will load.
CRM is an add-on feature for our IDX solution. Contact your account manager to learn more about adding this feature.
Navigate to the Lead List tab to the left.
Updating an Individual Lead’s Pipeline Status
Navigate to a specific lead’s record page by selecting the lead you want to check.
At the top of all lead record pages is an interactive pipeline status bar.
Select any stage on the bar to set your lead’s pipeline status.
Screenshot of Pipeline Stages
The stages in the pipeline are: Un-contacted, Attempted Contact, Nurturing, Dead, Under Contract, and Closed.
You can change a lead’s status to any stage at any time, and revert to a previous stage in the pipeline if desired.
Filtering Leads by Pipeline Status
Navigate to the leads and select the “Filters” button.
Select a filter criteria “Pipeline Stage” and select which stage(s) you want to filter by.
Click “VIEW (#) LEAD” to see all leads that match the lead stages you filtered by.
Reviewing Your Overall Sales Pipeline
On your CRM dashboard, you can review the “Pipeline Status” funnel chart to understand the distribution of your leads by pipeline stage.
Hover over each section in the “Pipeline Status” chart to see what percent of your leads are in each individual pipeline stage.
The “Pipeline Status” chart displays the total number of leads in each of the following stages:
  • Uncontacted
  • Attempted Contact
  • Nurturing
  • Under Contract
  • Closed (YTD)
Note that “Dead” leads are not included in the chart, and only leads closed in the current year to date are counted in the “Closed (YTD)” section.


Users of our CRM can select multiple leads to edit, delete, download, etc.
CRM is an add-on feature for our IDX solution. Contact your account manager to learn more about adding this feature.
You can access your CRM by logging in to your IDX.
Once you log in, select the CRM tab and the dashboard will load.
Select the Lead List on the menu to the left.
On the right, select